Bless the Children

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Previous generations where raised underrepparttar premise that children are to be seen and not heard. If they altered in teaching,repparttar 110586 next generation was heard. But, their words weren't taken seriously; as adults always think they know more than children do.

Following generations often have few to no guidelines, wherein children's behavior screams for someone to care enough to say, "No."

Though, what if God did that to us? When we call out to Him, can you imagine God responding with, "I can't hear you"? When we cry, what if He mocked our words, "Cry my hands full. You're nothing but a big baby"? Or, we could be given blame for all that ails us, "All he does is wine", or even worse, "Come here and I'll give you something to cry about!"

What if God didn't care more about you thanrepparttar 110587 comfort ofrepparttar 110588 moment, "Sure, do whatever you want. I just want you to like me." Try some of that on church visitation and see how effective you are. But, instead, God takes great care in parenting, to do it right. He looks deeper, to meetrepparttar 110589 need ofrepparttar 110590 heart.

Why should God listen to our prayers when we don't listen to our children?

Doesn't God love us enough to say, "No", when it will hurt us or someone else?

Still worse wererepparttar 110591 teachings of 'sparerepparttar 110592 rod, spoilrepparttar 110593 child'. Duringrepparttar 110594 days of preaching 'hell, fire, and brimstone', parents showed children what they thought God was like; drawing blood, inrepparttar 110595 name ofrepparttar 110596 Lord. What happened to "thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"?

Is it any wonder adults think they can't come to God?

Once children "know" they have a consistent place of refuge they can depend upon, in time of need, many annoying traits of childhood disappear.

Few come to realize children are living souls first and children second. Taking God as a perfect example, we're to be spiritual parents. Only when children become willfully defiant, for non-need reasons, do we haverepparttar 110597 right to act in disciplinary fashions and, still then, with God's guidance.

If God offered us grace, then, why do we hold children accountable under our law (or His), without consideration of extenuating circumstances? When we accuse and punish children, without considering their heart or getting facts straight, we could be shedding innocent blood.

An inexpensive device that benefits the whole family

Written by William L Bruneau

What is one ofrepparttar best and least expensive purchases you can make that benefits your whole family? Better yet, this purchase will save you lots of money over time. Don’t laugh when I tell you to buy a bidet!

In America our awareness of bidets is limited to bad jokes and toilet humor, but millions of people all overrepparttar 110585 world take them very seriously as devices that will benefit every member ofrepparttar 110586 family. In some countries like Argentina your house actually loses value if it doesn’t have a bidet! In Japan, over halfrepparttar 110587 homes have high-tech bidets installed forrepparttar 110588 use ofrepparttar 110589 whole family.

The term “bidet” refers to several different devices that use water to clean your perianal region (the area commonly called your “crotch”). While a bidet is best known for cleaning your derriere after defecation, some forms of bidet can also be used for “spot cleaning” of your body without requiring you to fully undress. Bidets have many medical benefits and are a godsend for people with limited physical mobility. They are also excellent aids for toilet training.

“ I chose marketing (the bidet) because I truly believe in it. I have three units in my home, two at my office, one in my motor home and on my boat. I potty trained my kids on it and they refuse to sit on a cold seat."” Keith Chamblin, Hygiene For Health (perhapsrepparttar 110590 most knowledgeable bidet marketer inrepparttar 110591 U.S.)

So how doesrepparttar 110592 bidet benefit every member ofrepparttar 110593 family?

Mother - women are susceptible to a number of diseases in their perianal region, such as vaginitis or cystitis, which repparttar 110594 bidet significantly helps. Bidets have known benefits for pregnant women as well as their infants. Bidets also benefit bowel dysfunction and hemorrhoids. Duringrepparttar 110595 reproductive years it is normal for women to experience mucous secretion from their vagina, and at times this makes it difficult to achieve good menstrual cleanliness. Bidets are an excellent means of improving this condition.

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