Blame It All On Rush Limbaugh.Written by Larsen Rogers
For over a decade Liberal bashing has increased to such epidemic proportions that is should be considered racist. If conservatives were criticizing and insulting Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, etc. their would be an outrage. Well, it’s time to fight back against those evil doers who want to shove their misguided and distorted beliefs down our throats. Feel free to make T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, etc. with following slogans: Liberty Blessed America In Liberty We Trust One Nation, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All Liberals believe in Liberty. Conservatives believe in Control. Liberals Love Everyone. Conservatives Hate Everyone. What’s difference between a Conservative and A Communist?
| | Polarize This!Written by Ed Howes
Surely theme for recent U.S. elections was polarization versus unity. According to Scripture, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”. A nation of double minded people is unstable in all its ways. A nation where street crime is punished and high crime rewarded. Where corporate drug pushers sell stock, kill millions of people annually (no one knows actual numbers because drug poisoning appears as natural causes on a coroner’s report, due to time span.) and street drug pushers are locked in cages for many years. A nation that virtually eats its young while pretending nothing is more important than their welfare. A nation which responds to mass murder of three thousand people by murdering and maiming hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions before they are done. A nation that pretends to economic and military might when it is economically, morally, politically and spiritually bankrupt. Polarized is understatement of all time.If one rotten apple spoils entire barrel, barrel of rotten apples has become unified; all apples same because there was no discrimination between spoiled and healthy when polarization first began. America will reach unity when no good apples remain, so let us vote for rotten leaders who hold before us great promise of unity. Let us become vinegar to world that we not be cast off as worthless. And why do apple packers put good and rotten apples in same barrel? Because they have been told all apples are equal and if they are not equal, they must be treated as though they are. That is their job. The whole idea of equality is a trap. Nobody buys every product in supermarket to avoid discriminating between products, but that’s what we do with government policy, local, state and national. We may protest one or another, but in end, we buy whatever they are selling and shrug it off.