Big Cat Vs. Bigger Snake?

Written by Ed Williams

I just saw something on TV that really blew me away....

That’s unusual coming from me, as I don’t even watch very much TV these days, sorepparttar odds that I would be watching something that would totally floor me are just about zero. Despite that, I’m here to tell y’all that I just watched a TV program that almost made me come up out of my chair...

I hate to admit that I can’t even rememberrepparttar 109765 name of it as I was watching it at 3 am this morning (I have really weird sleeping habits, and let‘s just leave it at that). I want to say that it was something like “Animal Kingdom Match-Up,” or whatever. The show had a very basic premise - what would happen if you took two different species fromrepparttar 109766 animal kingdom and matched them up against each other? Which would win? I thought it was pretty creative, but what cinched it for me wasrepparttar 109767 two species they said they were about to match up, a tiger and an anaconda!

A tiger and an anaconda - talk aboutrepparttar 109768 Super Bowl of animal kingdom match-ups! For a kid that grew up like I did watching all kinds of nature programs, this was something amazing, intriquing, and incredible all rolled up into one. And it appeared that they were going to literally match them up and let them fight it out right there onrepparttar 109769 air! Think about itrepparttar 109770 two combatants...

A tiger - lightning fast, armed with razor sharp claws that could take a man’s arm off in one swipe, and a bite that could quickly send someone torepparttar 109771 promised land. A cat weighing hundreds of pounds that will not hesitate to attack anything that he feels may be threatening him.

An anaconda - one ofrepparttar 109772 largest snakes inrepparttar 109773 world, they can grow upwards to thirty feet, and can be a foot wide acrossrepparttar 109774 middle. They’re so large that they can swallow whole species like alligators, cows, or even humans. They kill their victims by wrapping coils around them and constricting (squeezing to death) them. And if all of this isn’t bad enough, an anaconda has a large head with razor sharp fangs, if one bites you pulling it off is nearly impossible.

The iPod Shuffle goes hands free!

Written by ipod accessories

Following withrepparttar latest trend in style and fashion andrepparttar 109764 release ofrepparttar 109765 new iPod Shuffle... brings yourepparttar 109766 all new iPodT Shirt.

Function meets fashion...

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