Beware of the newest activity online… Phishing.

Written by Tamara Baruhovich

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Title: Beware ofrepparttar 110802 newest activity online… Phishing. Author: Tamara Baruhovich E-mail: Word count: 555 November, 2004. No. I’m not talking here aboutrepparttar 110803 outdoor activity enjoyed by many. And no again; I did not misspell it. Phishing isrepparttar 110804 name given torepparttar 110805 latest online scam where millions of unwary Americans are getting their identities stolen.

This fraudulent activity is consideredrepparttar 110806 fastest growing crime of modern times. The favorite target groups of phishers seem to be very young children and senior citizens, as they do not often ask for credit reports, fill out credit card applications or solicit loans. This allowsrepparttar 110807 thieves to go undetected for longer periods of time; but still, be careful. We all are potential targets.

Remember when throwing away unshredded documents with personal information inrepparttar 110808 trash bin was considered a big risk for identity theft? While this still happens, identity thieves have become more sophisticated in recent times, and this is how they do it…

Phishers create bogus e-mails that look as if they came from large, well-known institutions and banks, such as eBay, Paypal, Citibank, EarthLink, and Wells Fargo among others. These e-mails claim that you are due for an account update, or thatrepparttar 110809 account number, password, social security number or other confidential information needs to be verified. Then they warn you, stating that if you do not do it within a certain period of time, that your account will be closed, terminated,repparttar 110810 service discontinued, or something to that effect.

They even provide you with links to websites that look legitimate, because they hijackrepparttar 110811 real logos of these well known banks, and trusted institutions and companies. And that isrepparttar 110812 scary part… these e-mails look 100% legitimate, but they are not.

The Beauty and Simplicity of Life

Written by Annette Dykes

The Beauty and Simplicity of Life

I just returned from a wonderful weekend with a French family. I realized while I was there that their son seemed so happy, and so well-adjusted, and thatrepparttar family was very close.

There were a few things I noticed that they did that were different than many ofrepparttar 110801 families I know, and I think these differences had much to do withrepparttar 110802 warm connection I felt with that family.

First, they didn’t have a TV. Actually ...

they had a TV, but they didn’t turn it on even once in 4 days

that I was there, andrepparttar 110803 little boy kept himself busy playing with his Bionicles (a Lego toy) and his friends inrepparttar 110804 neighborhood.

He has an incredible imagination and is very bright!

I asked his Mom what she did when he got bored and she said, “I want him to get bored! That makes him more creative!” How true!!


they cooked every meal and ate together, atrepparttar 110805 table, with candles ...

At every meal!

The portions were "just right" (I never felt too full) andrepparttar 110806 taste was exquisite, because we made everything from scratch.

And healthy? Absolutely. We talked together during meals and shared what we were working on.

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