Beware of telephone scams

Written by David McDonough

Beware of telephone scams
It’s illegal. It’s deceptive. It’s costly. But getting “slammed” (having your long-distance telephone carrier switched without your permission) is becoming an increasingly common occurrence. Three of every five people surveyed byrepparttar National Consumers League report that they or someone they know has been a victim of slamming. Slamming ranks asrepparttar 127540 fifth most reported telemarketing incident byrepparttar 127541 National Consumers League. The growing number of slamming complaints suggests that this illegal practice costs customers more than $100 million each year. Current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations state that it is illegal for a company to switch your long distance service without a signed (or verbal and verified by a third party) authorization form fromrepparttar 127542 consumer. To avoid getting slammed and joiningrepparttar 127543 above statistics, consumers must first understand how it happens.

How it happens
Scenario #1: A telemarketer may call and try to switch you to a different long distance carrier. Even though you say “no,” there is a possibility thatrepparttar 127544 person will switch you anyway.

Scenario #2: A check may arrive inrepparttar 127545 mail. By signing and cashing this check, you may be signing up for a new long distance carrier.

Scenario #3: Entering a contest may give you a chance to win a car or trip, or evenrepparttar 127546 surprise (in fine print) of a new long distance carrier as well.

Various other slamming scenarios exist, including small companies that buy telephone service from larger carriers, such as AT&T, at wholesale rates and then resell this service at a retail rate. These carriers may try to confuse customers by associatingrepparttar 127547 large carrier’s name with their own service and rates, which is like trying to compare apples to oranges.

How to avoid it
You are already onrepparttar 127548 right track to side-stepping a “slam” by educating yourself. Simply being aware that slamming can occur is important. Always readrepparttar 127549 fine print to find out exactly what it is you are signing up for. In addition, be certain to: Know who your current long distance carrier is. Call your local telephone company to find out.

The Truth About Multi-Level Marketing

Written by Dean Phillips

I know I'm going to ruffle a few feathers with this article, so let me just say right now that all MLM marketing (AKA network marketing) companies are not scams. Obviously, there are some good, reputable companies out there.

However, there are so many bad ones that I'm compelled to lumprepparttar entire industry together. If you're thinking about getting involved with MLM, my advice would be, DON'T!

However, if you're bound and determined to testrepparttar 127539 waters, then, please take this one bit of advice: Before getting involved with any MLM company, investigate, investigate and then, investigate some more. Don't believe and get caught up inrepparttar 127540 hype.

Ahhhh yes,repparttar 127541 hype! After you attend a MLM rally, you and your MLM colleagues are as fired up as a pack of hungry dingo's, ready to jump through burning hoops and run through concrete walls! And then reality sets in. You're buying all of these products, but you're really not selling a whole lot.

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