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A home business can serve any purpose you want: provide pocket money, pay car loan or even mortgage, produce funds for kids' college education. Properly cared for and nurtured, it will serve its chosen purpose well.
Even a robust, vigorous home business may become UNhealthy. There are potent dangers that often arise, horrible maladies to sicken them and make them wither away to nothing but a memory.
Beware...The Isms.
The first is perhaps most cruel, as nourishment and care of home business becomes erratic and faltering. Without benefit of continuous attention and strengthening activity, it can fall prey to Sometimeism.
Sometimeism is a terrible fate for home business, as its energies are sapped by occasional and casual efforts of brief and uncertain duration. As these tidbits become ever fewer and farther between, poor weakened home business succumbs to starvation and worse, neglect.
Another plague that can strike a home business is much more insidious: little by little, it is worn down and exhausted by an acute lack of seriousness.
This nightmare is called Hobbyism.
When afflicted with Hobbyism, a home business feels draining effect of too many hours in forums and chat rooms, exacerbated by still more hours checking emails. Any business without its very life's blood - commerce, enterprise, trade - is doomed while unforgiving hours grow and multiply with online games and Flash presentations.