Beware: The Dreaded Article

Written by Staci Stallings

The fine art of writing for your e-zine

Stymied. It’s a good word to describe those poor, unfortunate souls who haverepparttar knowledge to write a content-rich article but who run fromrepparttar 138534 idea like a quarter horse headed forrepparttar 138535 finish line. Why do they run? Too often because when they sit down with a blank sheet of paper or a blank computer screen, it all seems too overwhelming to even begin, and so they don’t.

However, even if this describes you, it doesn’t have to forever. If you will follow these simple steps and practice a few times, you will be filling in those dead sections of your e-zine with aplomb.

The Idea

Obviously all articles start with an idea. This should be something in your chosen field or in your area of interest—some area that you can shed light on for others. When you find your idea, write it down immediately. Don’t try to write it into paragraph form, just take a moment and jot down a sentence or two—or even a few words—describing what you would like to writerepparttar 138536 article about.

For example,repparttar 138537 idea for this article might state:

A step-by-step how-to guide to writing articles for people who think they can’t.

The development

This step, I think, is where countless English teachers have completely set up brick walls inrepparttar 138538 minds of their students for years. The teacher gives a writing assignment, and a student asks, “How am I ever going to write two pages?” To whichrepparttar 138539 teacher responds, “Just write.”

Of course most English teachers don’t set these blocks up intentionally. The problem is almost invariably, you teach what you’re good at. When you’re good at something, it comes naturally, and you don’t have to think about every single little step you’re doing. However, when you teach, you must think about every single step, and this is whererepparttar 138540 train runs offrepparttar 138541 track.

If we would teachrepparttar 138542 following secret to children as far back as elementary school,repparttar 138543 fear factor when an adult sits down at a blank computer screen years later would be nearly non-existent.

Here’srepparttar 138544 secret. Once you have your idea, break it down into three separate sub-topics. For example:

A step-by-step guide to writing articles for people who think they can’t.

1.Have or find an idea

2.Developrepparttar 138545 idea

3.The five-paragraph model

Each sub-topic is then written about and expounded upon by using supportive information. Think of this supporting information likerepparttar 138546 legs under a table. If you have a table with one leg, obviously it will fall. Two legs will make it wobbly. With three legsrepparttar 138547 table will be more stable, but with four legs it will easily stand on its own. This is your goal with your article—to make each sub-topic supported by enough legs so that it can stand on its own.

So, under each sub-topic, list three to four supporting information bits. For example:

A step-by-step how-to guide to writing articles for people who think they can’t.

1.Have an idea ·Chose a field or area of interest to write about ·Writerepparttar 138548 idea down in a few words or one or two sentences ·Example

Top 5 Rules of English Grammar

Written by Rumki Sen

Communication is effective when we follow certain rules. These rules makerepparttar written words understood. A writer should makerepparttar 138328 reader's job easier by communicating what he or she wants to communicate. If you also want to write, pay respect to your readers. Don't take them for granted. Learning and understandingrepparttar 138329 basic rules of English Grammar, you will surely be able to avoid ill-formed, confusing sentences. Hence, following and applyingrepparttar 138330 rules of English Grammar and thereby producing a good writing can helprepparttar 138331 readers save their time from trying desperately to guess what you mean. This article coversrepparttar 138332 top 5 rules of English Grammar.

Subject-Verb Agreement – Errors in agreement arerepparttar 138333 most common mistakes made in writings. To avoid this, just followrepparttar 138334 simple rule: A singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb.

Wrong: Identification of these goods have been difficult.

Right: Identification of these goods has been difficult. (‘Identification’ isrepparttar 138335 subject here)

Wrong: The best way to keep your children happy are to give them enough responsibilities.

Right: The best way to keep your children happy is to give them enough responsibilities. (Use a singular verb ifrepparttar 138336 subject is a phrase or clause)

Awkward: Neither John nor I am interested in this project.

Better: John is not interested in this project; nor am I. (If you write an awkward sentence, consider rewriting it)

Exception: Use a singular verb if a compound subject refers torepparttar 138337 same person or thing.

Example: Milk and breads is a typical breakfast for many people.

Tense – Tense refers to time. It tells when an action is happening: inrepparttar 138338 present, inrepparttar 138339 future, or inrepparttar 138340 past. Whatever time it is, it should remain consistent throughout your whole piece of writing. There are three main tenses - Past Tense, Present Tense and Future Tense.

Here is an example of writing with mixed tenses:

Wrong: John wanted to know why Rebecca is sad, but she will not tell him.

Right: John wanted to know why Rebecca was sad, but she would not tell him.

Present tense, Past tense and Future Tense each hasrepparttar 138341 following four forms. The examples below will help you understand that:

Past Tense

Simple Past – I spoke Past Continuous – I was speaking Past Perfect – I had spoken Past Perfect Continuous – I had been speaking

Present Tense

Simple Present – I speak Present Continuous – I am speaking Present Perfect – I have spoken Present Perfect Continuous – I have been speaking

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