Better Than a Miracle

Written by Joyce C. Lock

For those whose lungs have always been healthy, breathing is something we are most likely to take for granted. Yet, observe a preemie whose every next breath is another miracle ~ or witness someone's exhaustion, when in need of a lung transplant, who truly knows why they call it 'laboring to breath'. Then, we just might get a glimpse intorepparttar fact that, if we can breath at all, we are a miracle, too.

God is inrepparttar 115408 miracle business, every day, blessing us in so many ways wherein we aren't even looking. In fact, we are so ungrateful that, if one leg is in pain, we don't thank Him forrepparttar 115409 one that isn't. We invite Satan to extend suffering, with words like, "I may never be able to walk again." If our healing isn't instant, do we conclude that God must have stopped doing miracles? If God does do miracles, perhaps we decide it must be for someone else.

According to your faith be it unto you. If you don't believe God heals, He won't. If you believe that miracles were only for beginningrepparttar 115410 new church age, you're missing out on blessings. Scripture was written as an example, not a history lesson. In allrepparttar 115411 ways God loved people of old, He wants to love us, too.

There are many gifts of healing, not just one, with diversity and differences in operation. But, God does heal. After all, Jesus wasn'trepparttar 115412 only gift God gave ... and a gift is free. God always heals, all that will receive, and that includes you, too.

We might see a physically blind man. But, God may seerepparttar 115413 spiritually blind heart. To give that man spiritual site is worth far more. In fact, his spiritual sight, along with his physical infirmity, just might open more doors of opportunity to minister, as people are in awe of all he has to share, in spite of that handicap. In fact, one non-functioning sense could heighten all his other senses for true greatness.

Another could be physically lame; an outward show of one's inner desire to minister, but often faltering. Teach that person to spiritually walk, following none other than God, and they will be able to physically walk. As is oftenrepparttar 115414 case, healrepparttar 115415 inner man andrepparttar 115416 outward one will function correctly ~ regardless of x-rays.

Then, there are those whose outward condition is in no way reflective of their inner needs. In such, a more immediate miracle may be in order. However, for those who don't give a hang about God,repparttar 115417 real need of their heart is salvation.

One child was diagnosed ADD, in error. As it turned out, one eye sees far sighted andrepparttar 115418 other sees near sighted. Also, there was construction going on inrepparttar 115419 next room. It was such a distraction that all their testing was off. Children are often labeled learning disabled when, in fact, they are extremely gifted.

If your hip won't stay in place, check out your shoes. It could just be that you've worn down a heal, setting everything else off balance. It may berepparttar 115420 side effects of your medication that is wreaking havoc.

Look and live. Findrepparttar 115421 source ofrepparttar 115422 problem. Sometimes, it's external. Get that corrected and see what wonders God will do. And, when you don't knowrepparttar 115423 source, ask God. Seek and you will find. Knock and that door will be opened.

Jesus healed everyone that came to Him. There was no manner of disease that He couldn't do. Even in Paul's case, grace always has a point of redemption. And, didn't Jesus tell us that we can dorepparttar 115424 works He did and even more? He wasn't kidding. And, God replaces missing parts, too, sometimes even without transplants!

If you are not free, it isn'trepparttar 115425 truth. If it isn'trepparttar 115426 truth, it is a lie. And, if it is a lie, it was planted by Satan to keep us from our rightful inheritance. We can know this because truth always sets you free.

Blind Science

Written by Ed Howes

Scientific proof - it is all we care about. We paid much time and money to learn this, therefore; it must be more valuable than anything we can learn with an investment of less time and money. It justifiesrepparttar ever spiraling costs of our practice. This is like saying that a course of instruction in a university is far more valuable thanrepparttar 115407 regular use ofrepparttar 115408 public library. That free knowledge can only be worth what we've paid for it.

Western scientific medicine has taken this arrogant stance for close to a century. Little or no respect is paid to allrepparttar 115409 medical history that preceded scientific inquiry. Their god is scientific method and they pretend all they do is proven safe and effective by someone. They have no use for anecdotal evidence that createdrepparttar 115410 folk and traditional medicine, practiced aroundrepparttar 115411 world to this very day. If grandma passed her gallstones with a mega dose of olive oil, they don't care because grandma is uneducated and does not worship scientific method. If a treatment doesn't come from our fraternity, it is of no value to us. By this attitude, we know their worship of science is more important thanrepparttar 115412 Hippocratic Oath they swear. They are free to do all kinds of harm; if it is scientific. They have a license to kill and they do not take it lightly. Or do they?

They would rather see you die from their often admittedly ineffective treatments, than to see you live, due to treatment that is unscientific. If a million people use an unscientific remedy and two die, it makesrepparttar 115413 TV news sorepparttar 115414 rest ofrepparttar 115415 million will know they are flirting with death. They will finally go seerepparttar 115416 doctor they have not trusted for years. If they go see that doctor, they may wait for hours to be told; "I don't know anything about that treatment. You are probably throwing your money away." Then he will send them a bill for his service and they know they just threw their money away and they are sure this is what scientific medicine is all about. Why do you think they call their customers patients? "If you come to us for help you will have to be patient."

The motto ofrepparttar 115417 American Medical Association must be: keep them busy and keep them ignorant. Encouragerepparttar 115418 members to continue education that we approve and leave them little time to do so. Get them to choose specialties in school that further narrow their medical focus. Work them to exhaustion withrepparttar 115419 promise of six figure incomes. Point out that this sacrificial lifestyle gives them nobility and authority. "Mr. Jones, I do this procedure thirty times a week, you can trust me." It meansrepparttar 115420 same as when buying a used car.

Many millions of Americans no longer care about scientific method and double blind studies. Ifrepparttar 115421 friend, co worker, neighbor or stranger in a waiting room, mentions she got relief from arthritis using an unproven method,repparttar 115422 sufferer won't hesitate to try it.

If a million people are using scientifically "proven" prescription drugs and a hundred of them die from unproven drug interactions,repparttar 115423 cause of death is a stroke, a heart attack, or natural causes. That will not be TV news and many of us wonder how many die every year from scientific treatment. How many people die to supportrepparttar 115424 186 billion dollar pharmaceutical industry? Their motto appears to be; whatever ails you - take more drugs, especially ours. Ask your doctor for a prescription.

Their advertising pays off with larger and larger annual sales and profits. What they may not see is they are selling more and more drugs to ever fewer people. Many elderly are dying from treatments or kicking their drug habits by using natural and much less expensive methods. The monopolistic drug industry has had little interest in natural, unpatentable substances becauserepparttar 115425 profit margins were so low, they could not afford to bother with them. But now, due to an act of Congress in 1994, low profit supplements have reached an annual American sales level of 18.6 billion dollars (likely more atrepparttar 115426 time of this writing); while only ten per cent of monopoly drug sales, it probably represents close to a fifty per cent sales and profit loss torepparttar 115427 monopolies.

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