Better Instead of Bitter

Written by Sam Stevens

I have been studying several books lately that deal with subject of attracting prosperity, well being and abundance to oneself -- partly as a refresher course for myself, but also partly because I was searching for answers for some of our clients inrepparttar Realm. Lately inrepparttar 130023 chat rooms,repparttar 130024 issue of how to overcome bitterness or loss is a big topic. How do you be 'better, instead of bitter' when life hands you what feels like a terrible blow; whether it be to your heart, to your pocketbook orrepparttar 130025 very core of your soul? First of all it is important to remember that you are not alone. Nobody gets through life unscathed. Everyone faces disease, death, poverty, abandonment and heartbreak. However likerepparttar 130026 old saying goes, 'it is notrepparttar 130027 cards you have been dealt, but how you play them that counts'. (and I don't mean Tarot cards here, either, lol) After searching through several books here (some inspirational and some religious texts --repparttar 130028 Zohar,repparttar 130029 Bible, Louise Hays, Sanaya Roman, Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Florence Scovel Shinn, I came to conclude that all of these masters, whether they be a channeller or a master or a disciple of a religion were saying one thing. 'Like attracts like.' Therefore if your heart is filled with resentment and bitterness, you will attractrepparttar 130030 same. It isrepparttar 130031 old 'sowing what you reap' thing fromrepparttar 130032 Bible. So it is very important, no matter what your experience, to keep yourself emotionally clean and to learn how to separate your feelings from 'what is really going on'. Hateful emotions such as obsession, jealousy and so forth block your connection to your higher self and prevent you from receiving your divine right -- which is that wisdom that is transferred down to you from a Higher Power for you to use to improve your life and raise your vibrations so you can attract good things. Apparently,repparttar 130033 unattractive or unpleasant experiences that we attract into our lives arerepparttar 130034 result of a lack of faith inrepparttar 130035 higher power that lives within each and every one of this. This lack of faith manifests itself in a desire to control or reluctance to let go. Dwelling onrepparttar 130036 past (especially to happier times) is also a big block, as it creates a feeling of discontent that prevents you from connecting fromrepparttar 130037 wisdom of your inner self. Most religions, faiths and cults have their own version ofrepparttar 130038 concept of 'the Christ within'. This is calledrepparttar 130039 super-conscious and isrepparttar 130040 energy that you want to be connected to. Most of us however are driven by energies ofrepparttar 130041 subconscious, which in a way, can be compared torepparttar 130042 fuel that drives a truck. This is a primitive and primal source that needs to be shaped and molded by your conscious mind to impress upon your subconscious that all will be well. If your conscious or every day mind is always trapped in a state of dread, anticipation, disappointment, fear, resentment or otherwise, thanrepparttar 130043 subconscious mind picks up on that an MANIFESTS that situation. So things get worse and you repeat patterns or situations that you would rather not experience again.

Magic Bathroom

Written by Sam Stevens

Believe it or not,repparttar bathroom is one ofrepparttar 130021 most magickal rooms in your house; Your make up box and medicine chest can be treasure chest of tools ,repparttar 130022 bathtub and shower are wonderful place to conduct cleansing and attraction rituals, andrepparttar 130023 toilet can be a handy mechanism for flushing away negativity.

Here are some examples of positive magick that can be performed in your powder room. First of all, though make sure your bathroom is clean and also make sure that you donšt have a mirror facing or reflecting any drains or toilets. Feng Shui wisdom says that this doubles your chances of having your money go downrepparttar 130024 drain.

Would you like to attract a life long partner? Wiping down your mirror with a mixture of Rose Water and Orange Blossom water (found in most speciality cooking stores) is said to make you attractive torepparttar 130025 opposite sex. If you donšt have that, using your favourite perfume might work just as well...

You can also practice a little feng shui around your bathtub to attract a partner, by placing two rubber duckies inrepparttar 130026 southwest corner ofrepparttar 130027 tub. Ducks represent mates in Chinese lore. You can also buy little glasses and soapdishes that already have little ducks floating inside them if you want to be more subtle...

Need to do well in that job interview. Spearmint (a herb ruled by mercury) is supposed to make you more eloquent, witty and charming. Toothpaste or mouthwash flavoured with spearmint might help you find exactlyrepparttar 130028 right words to say to impress your boss.

Trying to winrepparttar 130029 heart back of that difficult ex boyfriend? Carve his initials into a bar of soap. It is best ifrepparttar 130030 soap bar is pink or red in colour. Picturerepparttar 130031 soap as beingrepparttar 130032 hostility or issues between you, and asrepparttar 130033 soap dissolves, as you rub it all over your body, picture all resentments and hatred between you getting smaller and smaller. An advanced version of this spell would be to actually carve it inrepparttar 130034 shape ofrepparttar 130035 person, carverepparttar 130036 initials and run it underrepparttar 130037 tap on and off for a couple of days untilrepparttar 130038 bar is completely dissolved.

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