Beta Carotene is best says RealAge® and Biotrex™ Vitamins

Written by Larry Richards

Beta Carotene is best says RealAge® and Biotrex™ Vitamins

While not associated with each other, both companies sharerepparttar same advise to their readers and customers. Your body needs Vitamin A every single day, but it's best to get it from Beta Carotene. BiotrexVitamins has created state ofrepparttar 115700 art nutritional formulas for several problems that consumers want to solve. We don't use Vitamin A in our Renew+ Anti-Aging formulas for that very reason. We only include Beta Carotene. The good folks at have allowed me to include their daily tip in this new release. It is important to share this information with as many people as possible.

Beta Carotene Is Best - RealAge Tip ofrepparttar 115701 Day "Make sure you don't go overboard with vitamin A. It could be bad for your bones. A recent animal study revealed that too much vitamin A may increaserepparttar 115702 risk of bone thinning. To protect yourself fromrepparttar 115703 risks of vitamin A toxicity, choose a supplement that contains vitamin A inrepparttar 115704 form of beta carotene, a nutrient thatrepparttar 115705 body converts to vitamin A only as needed.

Healthy Weight for Life: The 5 stages of lifestyle change

Written by Michael Hallinan

So you’re determined you’re going to do something about your weight. But what? Losing weight is not in itself a behavior. Releasing fat pounds is an outcome of many behaviors that add up to consuming more calories than your expending. (Yes, there’s a genetic component too, but you can’t change that.)

The good thing is that this gives you lots of places to start moving toward your goal of losing weight. The challenge is sorting through them all and finding what will work best for you. So here’srepparttar question: What are you most ready to change?

Behavioral researchers have identified five stages in behavior change:

1. Precontemplation: You’re not even considering it. No way you’re gonna give up your pizza and beer. Gym-going is not for you. Why walk when you can ride?

2. Contemplation: Well, maybe you could live without pizza and beer *every* week. Gym is out, but you always liked swimming, maybe a pool. The walk inrepparttar 115699 park with your friend was pleasant last weekend, maybe you could do it again.

3. Preparation: Next week you’re going to skip that pizza. You found outrepparttar 115700 local Y has a pool and their family rates are affordable. You talked to your friend about doing more walks sometime.

4. Action: Two weeks and no pizza. You joinedrepparttar 115701 Y and you’ve swum laps there a couple times. You and your friend have gone walkingrepparttar 115702 past three Saturday mornings.

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