Bet You Didn't Know That There's Such A Thing As A Cool Quiz!

Written by Brian Fong

Q. Can you help me come up with a cool quiz?

A. I am known asrepparttar King of Cool inrepparttar 110171 realm ofrepparttar 110172 Quiz master. This question is right up my alley!

The term cool quiz means different things to different people. As you might imagine,repparttar 110173 subject ofrepparttar 110174 quiz has to be something that is appropriate forrepparttar 110175 age group that will be takingrepparttar 110176 quiz. What constitutes a cool quiz for one group might be a snoozer for a different group.

For example. Put together a Harry Potter quiz for a group of 8-year-olds and you've probably got yourself a cool quiz. Compose a "Which American Idol winner is your soul mate" quiz for a group of teens and you're likely to have come up with another cool quiz.

Married people might call "What home style is right for you" a cool quiz, and dog lovers would probably flip over something that tests their breed trivia skills.

So, as you can see, cool is a moving target. The underlying requirements of a cool quiz is that it addresses a topic that is "cool" torepparttar 110177 targeted group, and that it uses those answers to makerepparttar 110178 person who takesrepparttar 110179 quiz look cool for knowingrepparttar 110180 answers, or at least attempting to takerepparttar 110181 quiz.

How To Design A Map Quiz That Even A Cartographer Would Love

Written by Brian Fong

Q. How can I design an interesting map quiz?

A. You can't. At least you can't if you intend to design a map quiz where you draw some geographical areas and then ask "Where is South America?". While that would definitely qualify as a map quiz, it wouldn't makerepparttar grade of an "interesting" map quiz.

There is a thin line between geography quiz and map quiz. Once you cross that line, and get away fromrepparttar 110170 simple geography, you can make a map quiz downright interesting.

For example, you might design a map quiz that asks questions about how maps are actually made. A lot of people don't realizerepparttar 110171 magic that is needed to represent a round world on a flat piece of paper. Questions along this line could be very enlightening.

Another great set of map quiz questions could deal with how to navigate a ship using charts and a pair of dividers. You could ask them to determine how many nautical miles it is between two points.

Maybe you'd like to combine a map quiz with a scavenger or treasure hunt. Bury something valuable somewhere and then create treasure maps. The map quiz could ask questions that can only be answered by readingrepparttar 110172 map. As each question gets answeredrepparttar 110173 person gets closer to findingrepparttar 110174 prize.

Another great idea would be to present a complex problem that has to be solved by being able to read and understand a map thoroughly. Here's an example:

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