Best Adult Awards 2004: The Winners

Written by Greg Jones/2much Media

(Cyberspace) September 10, 2004 - The Best Adult Awards' Michel Plante deserves an award of his own for singlehandedly engineering a small but robust first tradeshow withrepparttar Qwebec Expo, as well asrepparttar 118621 very first adult award ceremony honoring websites and webmasters exclusively.

Though not everyone showed to accept awards last Saturday, Sept 4th (the competition was, er, stiff and of course suffered from Internext post-coitus),repparttar 118622 sleek etched-glass trophies were amiably accepted by other attendees on behalf of their web-brethren.

The slick production included a big video screen depicting on-stage action and nominee and winner video clips, as well as DJ Franco Fabi cuing mood and transition tunes, and live band Zone 51 jumping in when winners were announced.

Presenters included Eric from, Howard and Norton from, Platinum Adam from and MediaGuy from, among many others.

Plante reserved a "very personal" Hall of Fame award for photographer JFK of Fubar Webmasters Adventures forrepparttar 118623 climax ofrepparttar 118624 show, while starting off withrepparttar 118625 Best Single Amateur Site, awarded to, from LightspeedCash, which had to contend against an incredible 35 nominees.

In between were multiple award winners (PlatinumBucks in four categories, in two), a fair selection of niche categories (winners include:,,, and a pleasant surprise or two, such as a Best Free Site category ( from JaBooters) and Klixxx Publication being awarded Adult Company ofrepparttar 118626 Year.

What's a Blog Anyway?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Marketing Coach

In case you don’t know what a blog is, it’s a shortened form of “weblog”. It’s like a personal journal, offering musings or information, but available torepparttar public on a website. Blogs are informal, and often provide new entries every day, or quite frequently. There’s nothing static about a blog.

They’re intriguing because they give you an insight intorepparttar 118620 person writing them, and because you know there will be new stuff daily. Many give yourepparttar 118621 opportunity to make entries or comments yourself and become sort of dialogues or collaborations betweenrepparttar 118622 writer, you, and others who contribute.

Blogs sometimes have a theme , but in some,repparttar 118623 theme is simplyrepparttar 118624 person writing them – a sort of stream-of consciousness about what they’re thinking which includes what they’re worried about, mad about, concerned about, interested in, and so forth.

Like everything else onrepparttar 118625 Internet, it’s evolving and moving fast, so who knows what a blog might be tomorrow.

Are they popular? Cooking for Engineers, said he had to change his server because he was getting 12,000 hits an hour.

Here are some uses for blogs: 1.Journal. As we all know, there’s something about writing things out that aids our well-being.

2.Connect. While you’re journaling for your own benefit, others benefit as well. If you allow comments, you’ll meet all sorts of people.

3.To impart information on a particular subject or range of subjects. For instance I have one on emotional intelligence – .

4.Update on illness or hospitalization. Set up a blog to keep everyone informed on your progress. Concerned others can check daily.

5.Coordinating an event. Lets say you’re planning a huge family reunion and know it’s going to take weeks-to-moths to get it all together. Others can check daily and add their “yes” or “no” torepparttar 118626 plans, give suggestions, etc.

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