Benjamin Franklin, Pennies, and Millions of Dollars$$$

Written by Tom Levine

Benjamin Franklin, Pennies, and Millions and Millions and Millions of Dollars!!! by Tom Levine 1. On Benjamin Franklin:

2. On Pennies:

3. On Millions and Millions and Millions of Dollars!:

4. Conclusion:

1. On Benjamin Franklin:

In 1757, Benjamin Franklin published "The Way To Wealth", a basic summary of his 25 year “Poor Richards' Almanac.” In "The Way To Wealth", Honorable Mr. Franklin statesrepparttar following:

"Then since, as he says,repparttar 112182 borrower is a slave torepparttar 112183 lender, andrepparttar 112184 debtor torepparttar 112185 creditor, disdainrepparttar 112186 chain, preserve your freedom; and maintain your independency: be industrious and free; be frugal and free. At present, perhaps, you may think yourself in thriving circumstances, and that you can bear a little extravagance without injury; but, For age and want, save while you may; No morning sun lasts a whole day..."

There's a chock full of great wisdom to be gleaned from this paragraph of text. I encourage you to read it carefully, and absorb as much as you can from this man. He was, after all, just a man. But a great man. In fact, Benjamin Franklin believed that you are no different than he. He also believed in hard work, and perseverance, andrepparttar 112187 value of time management. These basic precepts, if mastered, could lead you downrepparttar 112188 same path of immense wealth as Benjamin Franklin.

But for today, I'd like you to focus onrepparttar 112189 last sentence. Mr. Franklin advises that no matter how things may now seem, your own morning sun does not last forever. This means that you simply must learn to recognizerepparttar 112190 value of money,repparttar 112191 power of money, andrepparttar 112192 wealth that comes, simply by using that power to pushrepparttar 112193 future, as opposed to spending it all onrepparttar 112194 wants and desires generated by today. It is now, not then, that you must save. It is through resisting temptations and want, and through saving while you are able and younger, that you can rise beyond your morning sun, and move ever so steadily into a life of wealth and financial prosperity.

Mr. Franklin is also well known for another famous quote:

"A Penny Saved, is a Penny Earned."

I know, I know. This is boring, right? This knowledge is nearly 225 years old, so why pay attention to it now, right? You've heard it a million times, and saving money has never solved your problems before, right?

I hear you cry. But let’s put a 21st century spin onrepparttar 112195 whole thing. Taking a few, very simple, very painless steps...Will move you passively, gently, and effortless towards becoming prosperous. All, throughrepparttar 112196 accumulation of compounding pennies.

2. On Pennies:

{I'm going to speak ofrepparttar 112197 401K, but whatever your company or employer offers, whether it's a 403B or otherwise,repparttar 112198 same principles apply.}

You just simply MUST participate.

I used to be a manager in a very large corporation, and I believed firmly that I was just as responsible for my employee's personal finances, as I was for their work product. I would not settle for a simple year-end discussion aboutrepparttar 112199 available 401K program. I would mentor each employee, weekly, until they either quit from sheer exhaustion, or participated inrepparttar 112200 401k. Why? Because, I knew that this one thing would change their lives, forever. And it's true. It does. Even to this day. One gentleman, for example, I still stay in contact with. He's accumulated thousands of dollars of basically FREE MONEY, and he hasn't stopped thanking me ever since. It makes me feel great. It was such a simple thing, something that any of us can and should do, and yet, if I never did push him towards making this commitment, who would have? Where would he be now?

The 401k, in a very brief nutshell, is your very own tax-free brokerage account. You generally can save up to 16% of your annual income, tax free...Yes, TAX FREE!!!!!! This money can be used to fund a variety of investments, but generally, Mutual Funds are readily available, ranging from Aggressive, to Moderate, to Conservative. The 401K is offered by MOST reputable and caring corporations.

Financial Wizards Prepare! 4 Lil' Tiny Duckies!...

Written by Tom Levine

Financial Wizards Prepare! Getting Your 4 Lil’ Tiny Duckies All Lined Up In A Row by Tom Levine

A) If you are going to transform yourself into a financial wizard, with money, security, and assets, then you need to begin this transformation by clearing outrepparttar cobwebs, and making way for a new tomorrow.

B) We are all perfectly capable of becoming “Financial Wizards.” None of us are withoutrepparttar 112181 ability to amass vast quantities of prosperity and wealth, in an easy, painless fashion. Benjamin Franklin believed that we are all equal, entitled to equal opportunity. If we just take a few simple steps, each day, we can achieve greatness.

C) Butrepparttar 112182 first step is to take responsibility, and many “Financial Wizards” have debt issues, credit issues, budget issues, and spending issues. We’re all human. So,repparttar 112183 first step is to address these issues one at a time, and take ownership of them, and change them.

D) But, hey listen! They ain’t no big thing, you hear me!? These are SMALL issues to deal with, not large ones. These are little tiny duckies. You need to realize that, in order to tackle them and move on.

Let’s take a look at these lil’ tiny duckies…Gee aren’t they cute? No big deal:






A: If you have out of control debt, then you need to deal with it, and please, don’t do it alone. You need to seek out counsel from professional services who can examine your current debt situation, and provide you with a short term, mid-range, and long-term plan to get you debt-free forever.

B: Debt can be such a burden in your life, that sometimes, it's hard to take that first step, to concede that you have a problem, and accept that you can't solve it alone. It weighs so heavy on you, that it blinds you torepparttar 112184 big picture.

C: So, I'm suggesting that it's time you simply makerepparttar 112185 decision to seerepparttar 112186 forest fromrepparttar 112187 trees. You'll need help. Go get it. There are lots of debt-assistance programs out there. Most of them are non-profit, or you may need legal assistance through an attorney. But, don't put this off any longer, plain and simple. You just CAN NOT become a “Financial Wizard,” if you are encumbered with debt. This is goal one. Go get some solid advice from those you trust, and line that duckie up!


A: If you’ve never created a budget, that’s okay! You can still be inrepparttar 112188 club, you can still become a “Financial Wizard,” and you can still amass an amazing array of wealth. But, you must get started sometime.

B: And you know what? Today is a great day to start!

C: A budget is more than just writing down how much you spend on groceries. A budget requires a review of your spending, and a recognition that money is power, and it is also an expression of your values, and a measurement of time.

D: For example: Sit down, and write out how much you spent inrepparttar 112189 past, like last month. Then, write down how much you are currently spending inrepparttar 112190 present, like last week. Finally, write down how much you want to spend inrepparttar 112191 future, like next month.

E: So, let’s talk about what you wrote down forrepparttar 112192 future. Did you pull that money together, that powerful tool for changing your tomorrows? How much did you put down for savings? How much did you budget for your 401k, and for your mortgage payment, or for your ROTH-IRA, or your savings towards a down payment on your first home?

F: Aha! There’srepparttar 112193 cute, lil duckie!

G: The important thing to recognize here is that budgeting is an acquired skill, and you don’t have to go at it alone. Seek out advice from professionals that can help get you started in budgeting your money, so that you are honing your skills and becoming a person of action, and not a person of reaction. All ofrepparttar 112194 important elements of your finances need to be taken care of and represented in your budget, as you examine your yesterdays, your todays, and your tommorows.

Two lil’ duckies down, 2 lil’ duckies to go!

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