Benefits to Shareware

Written by S. Housley

Benefits to Shareware Shareware has been fightingrepparttar stigma of being misunderstood for decades. While corporate software giants can no longer ignorerepparttar 107688 marketing potential of a trial version, small software startups are struggling with new listings and bandwidth costs. Businesses and individual consumers need to take a closer look atrepparttar 107689 benefits of taking advantage of shareware marketing. The concept of a trial version is not a new one. Consumer expectations, andrepparttar 107690 need for immediate satisfaction have spurnedrepparttar 107691 industry to realizerepparttar 107692 need for instant software. The availability of file downloads inrepparttar 107693 Internet era, is spurning a revolution of purchasers who never leaving their homes or offices. As a result,repparttar 107694 Internet has takenrepparttar 107695 proliferation of shareware to a new level.

Whyrepparttar 107696 Success? Why developers have succeeded using shareware marketing under poor global economic conditions is fairly obvious. Shareware allows consumers to evaluate an application prior to making a purchase decision. There are no risks torepparttar 107697 consumer, ifrepparttar 107698 trial version does not satisfy a purchasers needs, they do not spendrepparttar 107699 money registering. Evaluatingrepparttar 107700 software prior to purchasing also increases consumer satisfaction as they gain a complete understanding ofrepparttar 107701 software they are ordering and there is little room for surprises. Tryingrepparttar 107702 software before buying is no longer a novelty it is a consumer expectation.

Traditionally, becauserepparttar 107703 barrier to entry is fairly low, companies participating in shareware marketing are usually small and willing to provide personalized service uncommon in large companies. Customers often speak directly with developers requesting feature enhancements, thus improvingrepparttar 107704 software for all. Software support forums with users helping other users have become commonplace. These allow developers to focus on future upgrades, while repetitive user issues can be quickly dealt with. Software developers, who market viarepparttar 107705 shareware method, have revolutionized traditional support models.

How to protect yourself from online attack

Written by Frann Leach

It's a jungle out there onrepparttar net, but by using these few simple tricks and traps, anybody can protect themselves fromrepparttar 107687 virtual beasts that lurk there, waiting to attackrepparttar 107688 unwary.

Online security is not just for big corporations. It's true that they stand to lose more, in terms of value, than you or I, but they have sufficient reserves to be able to weatherrepparttar 107689 storm, whereasrepparttar 107690 average small business or man onrepparttar 107691 street is in a much more precarious position.

Using your credit or debit card online is no longer as dangerous as it once was, but there are other ways in which use of your computer can be made difficult, even impossible. Viruses are justrepparttar 107692 tip ofrepparttar 107693 iceberg. There are so many different ways in which your computer can be preyed on whilst you are online, and even after you have disconnected. Apart from worms, viruses, trojans, data miners, and keystroke loggers, there is spyware, adware and who knows what else out there. All of them trying to take advantage of you and/or your computer.

These products have many purposes. Very few of them are purely vindictive or disruptive. For example, many viruses which install themselves onto a computer do it no harm at all. Instead, they userepparttar 107694 email program running onrepparttar 107695 computer to send out spam, starting with everyone inrepparttar 107696 computer's address book. And although everybody I know deletes spam immediately, presumably there must be some sales, or this type of virus would be of no value torepparttar 107697 author.

It is important to be as secure as you can, because in extreme cases, your very identity can be stolen, and used in ways that will disadvantage you for a long time to come. And though this may be quite rare, there are many viruses or trojans which disruptrepparttar 107698 data you have on your computer, in some cases causing so much damage that you have to reformatrepparttar 107699 disk and start again - which is fine if you have kept backups (as we have all been taught to do), but how many of us really do back our data up? We know we should do this, but when wasrepparttar 107700 last time you made a complete copy of all your data?

This sort of attack tends to be atrepparttar 107701 amateur end ofrepparttar 107702 scale. But if you have children who surfrepparttar 107703 net, or you correspond with someone who has kids who surf, you are at risk. The areas where they surf are some ofrepparttar 107704 most likely sources of this type of virus. But any of us can fall victim just by a single moment of inattention when checking through our emails.

So how can you protect yourself from all these different threats?

  • Get yourself a firewall. Sysoft offer a free personal firewall that is very good, and makes your computer invisible to many types of attack -repparttar 107705 best defence possible.
  • If you haven't got one already, install a virus-checker, such as AVG, which is available

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