Benefits Of Laser Eye Surgery

Written by Lee Dobbins

There’s so many benefits to being able to see naturally. Many people feel a new freedom to be able to simply wake up and see pastrepparttar bed sheets. You can swim and play sports much easier. Plus, you won’t have to spend all that money for new contacts or glasses!

Some Of The Benefits Of Laser Eye Surgery Include:

1.Unobstructed Vision – not having to peer aroundrepparttar 138436 frames of your glasses gives you better peripheral vision.

2.Self Esteem Boost – not wearing glasses makes many people feel more confident and boosts their self esteem and quality of life.

3.Easer To Play Sports – no more worrying that your glasses will break or a contact will pop out.

4.Save Money – No more purchasing contacts, solution, eyeglasses or cases. Afterrepparttar 138437 initial expense ofrepparttar 138438 surgery you will end up saving money inrepparttar 138439 long run.

Corrective eye surgery is generally safe but there are certain low risks and people that have certain conditions must not have this type of surgery. Your doctor will explain allrepparttar 138440 risks and asses if you are a good candidate forrepparttar 138441 surgery. Atrepparttar 138442 most extreme is loss of vision, but this is very rare and should not happen if your doctor evaluates you properly. Other risks include developing dry eye syndrome, loss of vision clearness or seeing permanent halos or fuzziness.

Fast Weight Loss… Can You Really Lose 60lbs In 30 Days?

Written by Adrian Bryant

Is it better to lose 2lbs a day or 2lbs a week?

Yes it’s very possible that you can lose 60lbs in 30 days but I don’t think you would want to and here’srepparttar reason why:

Let’s say you do lose 60lbs in 30 days… how much of that weight you lose do you think is going to be pure body fat? Remember-- body fat makes us look ugly.

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