Benefit of Whey Protein.

Written by Kevin Doberstein

Feel free to use this article for your web site or e-zine as long you includerepparttar author bio and make sure all links are live and working. Please don’t change anything inrepparttar 112926 article. If you userepparttar 112927 article, let me know where. 25 years of blood, sweat and tears literally go into my articles, please be courteous back. If you can’t abide byrepparttar 112928 guidelines, don’t use my article! I wish yourepparttar 112929 best success if you use my article. This article is copyright protected by ©Nature Boy Bodybuilding 2005. Thanks so much! Kevinrepparttar 112930 Nature Boy.

Start of article.

Benefit of Whey Protein.

Here isrepparttar 112931 low-down on a much-talked about subject, whey protein. It isrepparttar 112932 foundation of many bodybuilders’ diet.

I can’t countrepparttar 112933 times that I’ve heard a conversation that goes like this. Kevin, how is your Uncle Buck’s gout doing? Are you still driving that old Ford truck? What is this Whey Protein all about? Well I thought I should write an article aboutrepparttar 112934 protein madness. This is a low tech, up front approach. I could get into amino acid profiles or a study on how it effected mountain goats inrepparttar 112935 Himalayan Mountains sex life when they were fed high doses of 100% whey protein. But do you really care about that? What you want to know is if it is good for you or not.

How Whey Protein is Made.

Whey Protein is created by taking whey (a diary side product) and processes it separatingrepparttar 112936 protein fromrepparttar 112937 fat and carbohydrates. Then it can be further cross-filtered and made into 100% whey protein. With allrepparttar 112938 fat and carbohydrates nearly gone, it makes it cholesterol free.

Benefits of Whey Protein.

What I have found is that a lot of people think that whey protein will add weight or make a person fat. Or they think it tastes like cement mortar mix and will give them gas. Some ofrepparttar 112939 benefits of whey protein are,

 It is a very lean protein with very little fat and carbohydrates  It is easily assimilated byrepparttar 112940 body’s digestive system. It is naturally high in Glutamine. It also mixes rather well in liquids. Whey Protein Comparisons

Whey Protein (1 serving) Calories 110, Protein 23 grams, Carbohydrates .5 grams, Fat .5 grams Prime Beef (5 ounces) Calories 225 Protein 31 grams, Carbohydrates 0, and Fat 10 grams 2 Pork Chops Calories 300, Protein 55 grams, Carbohydrates 0, Fat 10 grams

Setting Body Perfect Fitness Goals for the New Year

Written by Robert Adams

Goal Setting 101

All of our lives, we have many things we want to accomplish, but somehow, someway, things just don't get done. That includes sticking with a lifestyle change that helps improve your overall fitness and health.

Each yearrepparttar average American gains more and more weight, and yet there are more and more diet plans, weight loss schemes, exercise programs, and short cut methods that are supposed to support a Body Perfect solution.

Well I have a secret!!!

Life and success in your fitness and health goals, begins and ends with a betweenrepparttar 112925 ears process.

Yes, your MIND!!!

How you feel, what you think, what is going on between your ears, effectsrepparttar 112926 net result of any lifestyle change, fitness program, or reaching any long term fitness or health goals.

So let's talk about Goal Setting and how important of an impact and focusing on establishing S.M.A.R.T Goals has on your future success in fitness and health.

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