Belief Is Essential For Success

Written by Gordon Bryan

************************************************* Why Belief Is Essential For Success Copyright Gordon Bryan 2003 *************************************************

Want to unlock your potential? Want to move forward to success?

Well neither of these will happen in a month of Sundays without belief.

I always harp on about attitude beingrepparttar magic word, and belief is one attitude you MUST have. Not only that, but there are TWO types of beliefs needed!

The first is belief that it will happen. Whatever your goal is, however you want to improve your life, whatever wealth you want, in order for any of it to come true, you need to believe that it will happen.

You need to know this for a fact, not just some wishy-washy hope that it would be nice, but know for a fact that it can and willhappen to YOU.

The second belief is in yourself as a person, and your right to succeed and enjoy abundance.

Abundance is all around, but most people do not tap into it, they don't grab their fair share, because they just don't believe.

They either feel they are undeserving ofrepparttar 123568 good things, or they believe that something or someone will wreck their plans. Can you guess who that 'someone' is, that will wreck your plans? Yourself!

God, Grant Me Patience.....And, I Want It Now!!

Written by Richard Vegas

Are you facing a difficult time in your life? Do you feel like a fish out of water? If today was a fish, would you want to throw it back inrepparttar river? If this is your situation, make no negative destructive decisions. Be Patient. Know that time can perform many miracles.

Quicker Than A New York Minute!

Yeah, I wish. But, unfortunately every time I have moved that fast it went from riches to rags. Truly, patience is one ofrepparttar 123567 major ingredients that lead to consistent success. You must develop patience if you are ever going to be successful in dealing with life's problems.

Patience is not a popular subject for our, "I want it now" microwave society. Patience conjures up all kinds of thoughts like, "I might not get it"; "It might take too long"; "I might forget it", even worse. Ah, but patience is a major factor in making our dreams come true.

As I have given patience a lot of thought in my own life, here is what I have discovered. See if this pattern seems familiar to you.

*Sometimes I get what I want right away. *Sometimes I get what I want days, weeks, months, and sometime years later. *Sometimes I don't get what I want but what I really needed, much later. *Sometimes I don't get what I wanted, or what I needed, but got what was best for me, much later.

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day!

Well, every time I get what I want right away, I'm just a little taken back by it. I always seem to "expect" to wait for some period of time. It just seems to berepparttar 123568 wayrepparttar 123569 universe deals with us. When something comes right away, we forget that triumph very fast and are on torepparttar 123570 next deal.

The absolute optimum way to live would to be able to controlrepparttar 123571 timing of every thing that happens to us. But, we can't. Onrepparttar 123572 other side ofrepparttar 123573 coin, if every thing were to just fall on us like ripe apples off a tree, we would be running all over town trying to avoid being knocked out by allrepparttar 123574 falling apples.

You've heard it said before, "God's delays are not God's denials". I believe that's true. Patience has character building power within it. Patience takesrepparttar 123575 impossibilities of life and turns them into realities. Patience can also make you feel like taking a long walk off a short pier sometimes.

Waiting Always Lasts Too Long!

That'srepparttar 123576 part of patience I want to help give you a different perspective on. Patience was designed to help us grow; to help us develop compassion and empathy, and make us strong. Not, to tear us down, to destroy our dreams, or make us wonder if our goals and objectives will ever be realized.

If you look at patience like this it might help: It was not meant to make life hard on you. Of course life is hard, that's why they pay yourepparttar 123577 big bucks. :>) Patience is part of our lives because God's timing is always better than ours. Now think about it. If you had your way, how many times would you choose to wait for something you really wanted or needed?

Your timing would always be, "I want it now"! And, if it was something that's not desirable, your timing would be to wait, and wait, and wait. So,repparttar 123578 universe comes onrepparttar 123579 scene and says, "Wait, you're moving too fast". And we say, "No I'm not, you are moving too slowly".

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