Behold a Son

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Mothers have voiced their disapproval overrepparttar wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It seems they would do anything to keeprepparttar 123473 United States from another war and their sons safe at home inrepparttar 123474 future.

I wonder if these women would be willing to consider naming their sons peaceful names? I know this is a stretch but see if you can followrepparttar 123475 reasoning.

As a metaphysician, I know that nothing is a coincidence. Many ofrepparttar 123476 most popular boys’ names throughrepparttar 123477 ages are derived from Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Teutonic (German) words for weapons, helmets and other military appartus, or they arerepparttar 123478 names of famous warriors or epithets for them such as “great protector” or “stalwart guardian”. I wonder if we are ready to change our expectations about boys and encourage a more gentle and peaceful nature in them instead by naming them names that come fromrepparttar 123479 words for oak tree (Orick), for example, or wide meadow (Bradley).

The fact that we don’t know what these names mean when we pick them doesn’t change their meanings. We are sure of this in spiritual metaphysics. Nothing is “not known” torepparttar 123480 subconscious mind. These names are inrepparttar 123481 collective unconscious of every person who comes fromrepparttar 123482 Judaeo-Christian tradition.

Let’s take my family for example. The boys are named Marshal and Chester. A marshall is someone like a sheriff. Chester comes fromrepparttar 123483 Latin word for military camp. The father’s name is Neal and that means champion.

Now, I know that when we are naming our sons, we don’t stop to think about these things but perhaps we should. There is magic in names. Inrepparttar 123484 Bible, Adam named allrepparttar 123485 animals and that was magic. In primitive cultures, you never give your real name to someone because then they would have power over you. If you don't believe this, wait til next time someone uses your name. See what a difference it males. Names are powerful and It is as if you really did knowrepparttar 123486 meaning ofrepparttar 123487 name when you chose it. Of course, then, in some way, it will suitrepparttar 123488 boy andrepparttar 123489 man.

What if we did itrepparttar 123490 other way around though? Instead of being underrepparttar 123491 power ofrepparttar 123492 subconscious, we could userepparttar 123493 magic to create what we consciously desire.

What if we looked uprepparttar 123494 meanings of names and choserepparttar 123495 ones that hadrepparttar 123496 qualities we consciously want for our sons? What if we eliminated allrepparttar 123497 names like Lance and Dirk and Helmut and instead chose names like Farid, Lufti, Kevin and Kelleher which mean "one-of-a-kind", "gentle", "handsome" and "loving husband" respectively in Arabic, English and Celt?

Here arerepparttar 123498 10 most popular boys’ names in 2002 and their meanings. As you read them, consider whether you would consciously choose this quality for your son.

Courage Is A Gift

Written by Gerri D Smith

COURAGE IS A GIFT Gerri D Smith Copyright, 2003 Words 582

“It is not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” -Epictetus,repparttar 1st Century Greek Philosopher

Courage is daring to be… Brave. Enterprising. Bold. In your business or personal life, how often do you question your thoughts, your actions, or your motives? When you don’t exerciserepparttar 123472 ability to always test yourself, you may lose not only your confidence, but more importantly, you loserepparttar 123473 ability to focus, to know yourself, your friends, and your customers.

When faced with decisions and challenges, asking yourself questions every day, every hour, every moment gives yourepparttar 123474 courage to discover what is important to you and what a particular situation means to you, and what result or solution you’d like to accomplish.

Not many people experience liferepparttar 123475 way they want it to be. If things don’t work outrepparttar 123476 way you want, don’t find someone else to blame. Know what goals you want, then question your actions in reaching them. Compare your answers to what others may wish for you. After all, having a successful business or a life of contentment, requires you to know yourself andrepparttar 123477 goals that are best for you.

Courage is getting inrepparttar 123478 habit of looking inward and going with your highest feeling of what’s true and what feels right for you. Apply this inner evaluation in your business and in your personal life. This is important if you wish to grow and stay successful. It works!

Haverepparttar 123479 courage to be curious (not nosy!). A quest for knowledge about life andrepparttar 123480 people you interact with is good. Look for answers to whatever you plan to do. This keeps you thoughtful. Keep a journal if it helps. Over time, you can look back and discoverrepparttar 123481 results of your actions (or reactions) to certain problems. Then when faced with future or similar problems, you’ll have a ready solution.

Realize your weaknesses and work toward improving them. Continue to renew yourself and remember that life has a way of constantly testing your ability and courage to deal with it. When you can learn to appreciaterepparttar 123482 challenges in both your business and personal life, you find inner strength. Then you’re able to bring about an inner peace and spirituality that gives you a good tool for building self-confidence and self esteem.

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