Beginner Inventors Four “Mistakes” for Disaster

Written by M. R. Benson

Most beginner inventors get spun intorepparttar “Get Rich Quick” furor which is mistake One. Mistake Two is that beginner inventors are unaware ofrepparttar 103379 risk, effort, money and resources required to bring new inventions to market and make a profit. Then because they are spun intorepparttar 103380 furor and unaware ofrepparttar 103381 risk, effort, money and resources needed,repparttar 103382 beginner inventor believes that there is a simple and easy answer to bring a new product to market and this is number Three. Number Four isrepparttar 103383 typical human trait fault of “Hearing what we want to Hear”. These Four “Mistakes” of beginner inventors is a recipe for disaster.

Mistake One: The “Get Rich Quick” furor There are news stories, magazine articles, books, web sites and businesses that propagaterepparttar 103384 “Get Rich Quick” furor and yetrepparttar 103385 US Patent Office statistics states that 97% to 98% of all patents issued for new products never make it to market. Although it is not clear how many ofrepparttar 103386 2% to 3% new patented products brought to market are generated from established manufacturing companies introducing new products, it can be assumed that it isrepparttar 103387 majority. The multi-billion manufacturing sector ofrepparttar 103388 economy risks many millions of dollars on research and development and employs countless business professionals, marketing professionals, industrial designers and engineers to guarantee new products will be brought torepparttar 103389 market place. Therefore it can also be assumed that independent beginner inventors likely makes up a very small percentage ofrepparttar 103390 2% to 3% of patented new products that make it to market. To believerepparttar 103391 “Get Rich Quick” furor isrepparttar 103392 biggest mistake that beginner inventors can make. If it can be believed that there is a “Get Rich Quick” solution to bring new ideas and products to market, it could also be believedrepparttar 103393 multi-billion manufacturing sector ofrepparttar 103394 economy would employ that solution. But they employ many professionals that work hundreds hours and spend many hundreds of thousands of dollars per each new product launched, not a “Get Rich Quick” solution.

Mistake Two: Unaware ofrepparttar 103395 risk, effort, money and resources required Yes,repparttar 103396 multi-billion manufacturing sector ofrepparttar 103397 economy employs many professionals that work hundreds hours and spend many hundreds of thousands of dollars per each new product launched. These staffs also utilize expensive resources like their prior company product data of similar products, their existing customers and distribution networks, their test laboratories, their prototype facilities and their existing manufacturing facilities to effectively bring their new products to market. The average new product that is brought to market takes 1 ˝ to 3 years to develop and launch. Whenrepparttar 103398 general public makes a trip to any store, they are unaware ofrepparttar 103399 grand effort and expense that is behind placing those products onrepparttar 103400 shelves. Similarly, because beginner inventors emanate fromrepparttar 103401 general public and notrepparttar 103402 manufacturing sector, they are unaware ofrepparttar 103403 risk, effort, money and resources required to bring a product to market.

Choosing a Good Spanish English Translation Dictionary

Written by Clint Tustison

English Spanish dictionaries come in all shapes, sizes, specialties, and mediums. There are paperback dictionaries, medical dictionaries, desktop dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, good dictionaries, and bad dictionaries.

Allrepparttar options can be confusing for anybody deciding on how best to start (or improve) their Spanish translation resource library.

The most important thing to remember is that individual needs will (and very rightly should) vary. People who love Spanish translation (and English Spanish dictionaries) are a unique breed.

(It's what makes us special!)

What works for you or your buddy downrepparttar 103378 street or onrepparttar 103379 other side ofrepparttar 103380 information highway might not work for you.

However, there are a list of guidelines that I like to follow when deciding how to spend my money on English Spanish dictionaries. I think this checklist can also help you.

1. Don't trustrepparttar 103381 Internet. Just because it's onrepparttar 103382 Internet, doesn't mean it's true. This is a warning call to be careful when doing research online for translations of specific words.

Due torepparttar 103383 nature ofrepparttar 103384 web, anyone can claim they know everything about Arctic ice fishing and how to translate every related word in both Spanish and English. Don't make your translation final until you've verified your sources and feel good about them.

2. Determine your needs. There are so many choices to choose from when deciding what to get. Narrow down what kind of work you'll be doing.

Are you interested in translating forrepparttar 103385 medical field? You'll need to invest in medical dictionaries.

Want a good generalized dictionary? Don't spend your time looking at specialized ones.

I always end up spending more on resources I don't need when I haven't determined what exactly I want. It's kind of like going torepparttar 103386 grocery store when you're hungry. Not very good onrepparttar 103387 bank account.

3. Determinerepparttar 103388 format. Are you looking for just Spanish English translation equivalents or do you want definitions included?

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