Been got at by a Rat or a Dog? Try a Ferrit. Optimization of web pages by old pr

Written by malcolm james pugh

You may have already paid good money only to have been promisedrepparttar earth and left with a web page no one can see unless they know your company name.

You will have actually paid for inclusion in indexes, which lapses after a finite time unless you pay over and over again.

There is no point paying money out on a web site if your potential customers have to know your name already in order to find your web pages.

Now you own what.

An invisible website with no indexing.

watch out theres a rat about.

RAT as in Really Awful Trader.


Have you been sold a pup by a big dog, a Dodgy Optimisation Guru.

DOGS sing a nice tune, and play what you want to hear, but who are they really playing for.

To paraphrase another trustworthy source.

How using RSS will attract and maintain visitors

Written by Allan Burns

There are nowhere nearrepparttar amount of webmasters using RSS that there should be. There is more exposure about RSS than there has ever been but take up of RSS still seems to be slow. I thinkrepparttar 140205 main reason for this isrepparttar 140206 lack of understanding of how to implement an RSS feed.


I have been blogging at for two weeks now, that’s two weeks today in fact and my Feedburner stats tell me I have a total of nine subscribers to my RSS feed. That’s not bad considering I did not activate my RSS feed straight away. These subscribers are made aware of updates to my sites without having to visit my site. Why would you want to make your readers visit your site if it hasn’t changed.

One of my missions as a webmasters has been to promote RSS to webmasters to let them know that it can be used as an additional channel to communicate with their visitors. I believe it fills a gap that email is failing to do because ofrepparttar 140207 vast amount of spam that is out there. In fact I only use email as a means of making contact with people, email is personal and should not be invaded. You should not have to give out your email address allrepparttar 140208 time.

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