Become Enlightened

Written by Dawn Fields

Become Enlightened

The other day I had a meeting onrepparttar web with a few friends. We are planning our class reunion and since no two people were ever available atrepparttar 129460 same time, we decided to set up a CHAT group and meet overrepparttar 129461 web.

It was a lot of fun and exciting. This got me curious about CHAT rooms so I later signed into a Christian chat room to see whatrepparttar 129462 hoopla was all about regarding these chat rooms. Although I have been onrepparttar 129463 web for almost ten years, I’ve never ventured into a chat room. Need less to say, there weren’t very much Christianity going on in that chat room.

One person, with a rather strange handle, which I cannot remember right now, questioned whether or not there actually was a God. He stated that with so much evil going on inrepparttar 129464 world, it led him to question God’s existence.

Later, after signing off, I thought about what “strange handle” said aboutrepparttar 129465 evil inrepparttar 129466 world. Of course, God has nothing to do withrepparttar 129467 evil but it got me to thinking about all ofrepparttar 129468 people who are so "Unenlightened".

Even people who are Christian are oftentimes "unenlightened" by a true understanding of how God works in their life.

Because I teach how to discover God’s purpose for your life, I want to talk about how unenlightened we are when it comes torepparttar 129469 type of work we choose orrepparttar 129470 profession we decide to go into.

We allowrepparttar 129471 economy to dictate what type of job we accept as opposed to what type of career God has chosen for us.

We continue on a job that is not fulfilling because we likerepparttar 129472 people we work with or we are just so happy that we have a job because we always hear how “there are no jobs out there.”

So, we continue to stay unhappy or unfulfilled because we are unenlightened about how God works in our life.

Let me try and break down my understanding of how God works in our lives:

At birth, you are born with a soul, which has a seed already set to grow inside of us. This seed is your life’s purpose.

As a child, we are close to God. Whether or not someone in our lives teaches us about Him or not, we have an understanding and a closeness with God.

As we grow older, if we seek out a relationship with God, He will grow closer to us.

If you consult with God before making any decisions in your life, you will never be led astray.

What often happens is we decide to take control of our lives instead of allowing God to control our lives and we oftentimes mess up because we are human and that’s what human’s do.

Because we take control and make our own decisions, we are led astray and find ourselves in jobs or in careers that just don’t settle right with our souls.

Our souls were given a mission at birth and we have not followed our mission and allowed our souls to grow.

The closer we draw to God,repparttar 129473 more unsettled we will feel on our jobs or in our careers that are not aligned with our soul.

When it gets torepparttar 129474 point where we simply cannot take it any longer, when going torepparttar 129475 office literally makes us sick torepparttar 129476 stomach, or when simply getting out of bed inrepparttar 129477 morning becomes a task; we start looking for answers.

Who Are The Underminers?

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

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Title: Who Are The Underminers? Author: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. E-mail: Copyright: © 2004 by Margaret Paul URL: Word Count: 764 Category: Self Improvement

Who Are The Underminers? By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

How many of you hadrepparttar 129459 experience growing up of being told in various ways to limit yourselves from being all you can be? The movie “The Incredibles” is a wonderful metaphor for this. In this movie,repparttar 129460 superheroes –repparttar 129461 people with extraordinary powers – are restricted from using their powers.

When I was growing up, I was not supported in being all I could be. “Boys don’t like smart girls,” “People will be jealous of you.” I learned to hide good grades and talents, for fear others would be threatened. If I wanted to “fit in,” I needed to be like everyone else. Being extraordinary was considered “weird.”

Inrepparttar 129462 movie,repparttar 129463 superheroes are finally allowed to use their powers because they are needed to saverepparttar 129464 planet. This, too, is a metaphor. We are each extraordinary in our own ways, and this planet needs each of us to fully express our gifts and talents. We need extraordinary people to step up torepparttar 129465 plate to guide us away from fear, greed and manipulation and into caring, compassion, and personal responsibility. Fortunately, many more young people today are encouraged to be all they can be.

Atrepparttar 129466 end ofrepparttar 129467 movie, a horrible monster arises fromrepparttar 129468 earth, saying something like, “We arerepparttar 129469 underminers. We undermine happiness, peace and joy. We are always beneath you.”

Who arerepparttar 129470 underminers?

Underminers are both within and without.

Outer underminers are those people who do not have your highest good at heart. They arerepparttar 129471 people who want to use you, blame you, manipulate and control you, and try to limit you. They arerepparttar 129472 people who are threatened by you being all you can be. They arerepparttar 129473 people who want you to care-take them rather than take responsibility for yourself. These people can be family, friends, or co-workers – anyone in your life who does not support you in being all you can be. It is sad and lonely whenrepparttar 129474 people who say they care about you, instead do all they can to control and limit you.

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