Beauty Secret from Brazil for CelluliteWritten by Burgundy Shank
Brazilian women spend much of their time on beach, so it’s no wonder that their secret to cellulite-free skin is found there. A handful of ordinary sand will do wonders for cellulite when rubbed across skin with a lubricant such as vegetable oil (or even sea water) just a few times per week.How does this work? The sand improves circulation by helping to unsettle deposits of fat that collect in problem areas of body, such as thighs, buttocks or abdomen. The coarse nature of sand allows for this movement, and if you’re not so close to beach, a substitute like cornmeal, finely crushed salt or sugar will also do trick. As a double bonus, battling cellulite in this way will allow you to exfoliate at same time, giving you a healthier glow to your skin by bringing new skin cells to surface.
| | Female Self Pleasuring Tips For The Adventurous WomanWritten by E. J. Davis
Unlike men, whose sex organs are available for self pleasure by stroking and stimulating any time of day, women have to contrive to entice their clitoris out of hiding and available for pleasuring. One of most common female self pleasuring tips is use of sex toys and gadgets. Luckily for us, female self pleasure toys can be found in our very own kitchen. Sure, jokes have been made about this, but it’s true. The usual suspects here are any penis-like vegetables and fruits, like carrots, cucumbers or zucchinis. Bananas are too soft to do trick. Sometimes, un-penis-like fruits and vegetables can create another type of female self pleasure as a form of taste aphrodisiac: cherries, grapes, or sections of oranges. Feel free to use different female self pleasure techniques to enhance your arousal. Inserting any of penis-like items inside your vulva, as you would a dildo will add to your self pleasure. As a female self pleasure technique, use of fruits and vegetables has a lot going for it: It will not endanger you physically, in contrast to, for example, using a bottle, which might break inside you, or, a piece of wood, which might splinter--ouch! I am not sure that anyone has ever used an open bottle for this purpose, but it is worth cautioning all women against it: An open bottle will form a-suction inside you and it would be quite impossible to remove it without embarrassment of explaining to a doctor why you are depositing strange objects inside your vagina.