Beat The Procrastination Blues

Written by Kathy Gates

Ever find yourself delaying and delaying on something until it becomes a crisis? That's when Procrastination has taken charge of your life -- instead of YOU being in charge of your life.

Procrastination is as natural to human beings as eating. It 's easy to do things we want to do, butrepparttar things we find difficult or unpleasant are what we put off. And sometimes delaying a little bit here and there is not a big deal. But if procrastination is habitual for you, and is causing things to happen in your life that you don't want to happen, it's time for a new sheriff in town.

Simply, procrastination is just a habit of makingrepparttar 123837 wrong choices. It's choosing to take a nap instead of mowingrepparttar 123838 lawn. It's deciding to watch "Friends" instead of working out. It's opting to socialize with a co-worker instead of working on a project. It's cleaning off your desk instead of getting prepared for a meeting. It's "I'll do it later".

Now there's nothing inherently wrong with any of these choices. As an adult you haverepparttar 123839 luxury of choosing how you behave, and choosing your own responsibilities. And we all have responsibilities that we don't particularly care for. But if you allow Procrastination to make choices that aren't good for you, or that you don't really want to make, then it's time to put your Procrastination Buddy on a leash.

"Just Do It" may be a great marketing slogan, but in real life we often need a little bit more to work with. To conquer Procrastination, you will need to changerepparttar 123840 behavior that works against you achievingrepparttar 123841 desired results. Remember that you are changing a habit, and it will feel uncomfortable and unnatural at first. But with practice, you can teach Procrastination that it is not welcome in your life. Here are three ways to do this.

1. When you recognize a particular task is difficult for you and that you continually put it off untilrepparttar 123842 last minute, try designing a system to handle it, instead of just "putting outrepparttar 123843 fire" when it becomes a problem. For example, if you're always putting off or talking yourself out of your gym time, consider setting up a buddy system, so that you know you're going to meet someone. Or make a date with someone to come over to your house to work out with you - a trainer, or a friend. By doing this, you have set up a system that will pull you forward when you're willpower is low.

Remember The Heroes II

Written by John Colanzi

Asrepparttar 4th of July approaches, I'm sitting here thinking how lucky I am.

I can sit at my keyboard and say whatever's on my mind.

I can spendrepparttar 123836 4th with my family without fear of some tyrant or dictator.

Why can I do this?

Because there are young men and women aroundrepparttar 123837 globe making sure we'll be able to celebrate another 4th of July this year and years to come.

They receive little in pay and recognition. Sometimes they're forced to endure situations that would be considered cruel and unusual punishment under any other circumstances.

They're spending this holiday away from their families so you and I don't have to.

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