Be the Wind Behind Your Sails- Eliminate Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Written by Beth A. Tabak

“Believe deep down in your heart that you are destined to do great things.” Joe Paterno

Imagine that you are a beautiful sail boat onrepparttar high sea of life, andrepparttar 131020 gusting wind isrepparttar 131021 way in which you talk to yourself. Will your wind be behind your sails encouraging you forward so that you swiftly glide throughrepparttar 131022 sea on course and are able to scoperepparttar 131023 many possibilities? Or is your inner critic boldly blasting strong gusts of wind in your face forcing you to step back, alter your course, and expend your energy with barely a glimpse ahead?

Kudos to Christopher Columbus who was able to look beyondrepparttar 131024 horizon. What could you accomplish if you were able to rid yourself of your inner critic and his/her comrade, self-limiting beliefs? If you were not limiting yourself, what would you be doing right now? How would your life be different? Hmmmm.... I know easier said than done. This week noticerepparttar 131025 way you talk to yourself. Write downrepparttar 131026 voice. Whose voice is it? More importantly, what isrepparttar 131027 tone? Most critical, how can you change that voice if it is holding you back from what you want?

Create a plan. Here are two exercises and one thought that may help. The first exercise is when you catchrepparttar 131028 voice cutting you down or holding you back, immediately change what you are saying. Think about how you would talk to your best friend if she/he were in your shoes and use that voice with yourself. I used this method onrepparttar 131029 way to a public speaking engagement about a year ago. Public speaking has been my greatest fear. As I was headed torepparttar 131030 all day event that I was hosting, my inner critic was on a roll. When I recognized it I turnedrepparttar 131031 talk around and said “You can do problem....think of how great you will feel when it’s over...just like having a’s uncomfortable andrepparttar 131032 rewards are awesome” and so on. The day was a success, I had fun, and continue public speaking. The second method is to picture yourself as a child. We all feel pretty muchrepparttar 131033 same inside as we did as a child, right? Imagine your inner critic talking to that child. It becomes easier to put a stop to it. Choose to stand up for that child within, and do not allow anyone to criticize or discourage him/her. Andrepparttar 131034 thought? We are all doingrepparttar 131035 best that we can at any given moment. So congratulations! You are great right now and should not have any limits placed on what you can do and be.

I Love That...Shift Your Attitude to Gratitude and Stifle Your Inner Critic

Written by Beth A. Tabak

As I began my morning jog one day last week I found myself really struggling. It was hot, sticky humid, my legs felt like each one had a sand bag strapped to it,repparttar mosquitoes were out in swarms. Ugh! I recognized that I had to shift my attitude or there was no way I would make it. A phrase came to me that I started to play with...”I Love That...” I got so carried away with it that before I knew it I suddenly noticed I was within yards of finishing. The run had become effortless. My attitude had shifted away from being self-absorbed into gratitude. If there is any way you can apply this to something you are struggling with, try it! The shift in attitude can free you. It’s quite fun! This is not exactly how it went, but what I could recall.

I Love That...When I walk and jog I am living a healthy lifestyle. I Love That...When I crossrepparttar 131018 finish line, I will feel awesome! I Love That...When I start offrepparttar 131019 day with exercise, I start offrepparttar 131020 day with a success. I Love That...The more I exerciserepparttar 131021 easier it becomes to breathe. I Love That...When I exercise my clothes slip right on. I Love That...When my muscles ache after a run its a sign that I’m growing...becoming stronger. I Love That...When I exercise I become more tone. I Love That...Exercising gives me more energy throughrepparttar 131022 day. I Love That...I have two legs to exercise on. I Love That...I can breathe. I Love That...If I don’t crossrepparttar 131023 finish line I will have gotten closer to my goal and will be stronger because of it. I Love That...I have been givenrepparttar 131024 gift of another day. I Love That...when I am nervous before a speech it's a sign that I am about to stretch beyond my comfort zone which always leads to interesting opportunities. I Love That...Planes fly over me all day carrying people to where they want to go...safely. I Love That...I can hearrepparttar 131025 sound ofrepparttar 131026 traffic onrepparttar 131027 freeway ...the sound of people going to their jobs. I Love That...Some of those people are going to jobs to help other people get jobs. I Love That...I know someone who while looking for a job himself has taken onrepparttar 131028 role of helping a small group of unemployed individuals find jobs (no strings attached). I Love That...When someone needs help, there are thousands of people, organizations, and churches who are looking for them, because they want to help people in need. I Love That...We have FREEDOM! I Love That...Wherever I am...wherever I go...God is with me.

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