Be "You-nique"!

Written by Bryan Hall

Be "You-nique"!

One thing to always remember: "Bad association spoils useful habits."

In other words, surround yourself with positive-minded, caring, loving, and giving people, whether in your friendships, love relationships, or family. The more you surround yourself withrepparttar energies of love and positive- thinking people,repparttar 123654 more you enhance your own spirit, thoughts - energies - andrepparttar 123655 more you draw to your life what you are meant to be, do, and have.

Focusing on your spiritual growth is one ofrepparttar 123656 most incredibly life-affecting things you can do in your life. If all you do is follow everyone else, you'll end up LIKE everyone else. Learn to trust in your self - your Divine, inner, intuitive guidance - always giving of yourself - your love, your time, your compassion - from that space deep within.

Be "you-nique".

By simply trying to do what everyone else is doing, following what everyone else is following, you become stagnant in your personal and spiritual growth. Put YOU into whatever you do, from business to personal relationships to ... anything and everything!

Find peace andrepparttar 123657 life-force of love by takingrepparttar 123658 time to go within, listen to Divine guidance - your intuition - and act upon it. Follow your intuition as much as possible in your life. Learn to ask for what you want, and - more importantly - focus your time and energies on giving of yourself, from your heart, to anyone you can possibly touch in this lifetime.

The "secrets" to a most successful life are already within you. All you have to do is extend your hand, and go within yourself as deeply as you can, and learn how to ask for what you want fromrepparttar 123659 overflowing abundance ofrepparttar 123660 Universe. Find clarity in what you truly desire - know precisely what you want, why you want it, and how it would FEEL to have it, be it, do it.

No matter what is going on in your life at any given moment, when someone needs your love and positive energy, takerepparttar 123661 time - right now - to give it to them ... unconditionally. And do so without ever expecting anything from them in return. The Universe - your Higher Power - WILL return that loving and giving to you. Atrepparttar 123662 same time, you set yourself apart fromrepparttar 123663 crowd ... you show others how much you care. Who do you know that doesn't want or need that - right?

Love with all your might, and give with all your strength to anyone you touch, to anyone along your path in life ... at any cost. Asrepparttar 123664 Universe provides an endless, eternal abundance of prosperity, peace, love, and light in our lives, you can always be at peace and rest assured that what you give WILL be given back as you need it and exactly (only) when you need it.

Eliminaterepparttar 123665 concepts and attention to emotions of fear, failure, and lack from your life by transforming yourself through spirit and shifting your perspectives. Realize, simply, that everything happens for a reason atrepparttar 123666 right time and forrepparttar 123667 right reasons ... and there is no need for fear.

There is no need for "mistakes" when simply seeingrepparttar 123668 other side ofrepparttar 123669 coin will show yourepparttar 123670 positive lessons in your experiences. Learn to turn that coin over torepparttar 123671 other side and realizerepparttar 123672 lessons in whatever you experience.

What you allow yourself to focus on, amplifies. What you act upon ripples out and affects far more people than you may ever imagine. What you think about creates your reality. And what you "send out", you receive back ... ten-fold ...repparttar 123673 "good", andrepparttar 123674 "bad".

Learn, also, that everything in life involves, gets down to, affects, has to do with, and provides an opportunity to grow in LOVE. And, there are two very important aspects to consider about Love: 1) The more you give,repparttar 123675 more you get, and 2) Everyone you know, everyone you don't know, every one of us on this path we know as "life" wants and needs that Love. It ISrepparttar 123676 life-force energy connecting us all as one.

Seek forrepparttar 123677 answers you need from that calm, quiet place deep within, and share those answers - that love and enrichment in your life - with those who want and accept it for their own benefits. Allow your life to flow withrepparttar 123678 life-force energy of Love, for Love is eternal and all- encompassing.

Taking Over

Written by Bryan Hall

4:49 AM ... can't sleep.

Actually, I've been awake most ofrepparttar night. I just finally decided to stop fighting it, make some coffee, and make good use ofrepparttar 123653 time.

Why am I awake and back to work when I just made my way to bed a few short hours ago; when my typical sleep pattern is at least 5 hours a night of solid sleep-time?

I'm sick - "underrepparttar 123654 weather". It's a head cold.

(Excuse me ... I have to blow my nose ... again!)

A few days ago, I was holding my youngest daughter, four years old Gabbi, while she cried streams of tears in pain from her head cold and double-ear infection. I cried with her, feeling her pain and praying with her forrepparttar 123655 pain to go away and make her all better.

I promised her, my sweet angel-baby, that God would hear our prayers and take her pain away soon. Without her knowing, I also asked God to allow me to take on her pains and ailments, if nothing else ... but to take it away from her, for certain.

Two days later, my left ear started giving me some problems. Another day later, I have a full-blown head cold.

So, I'm awake. It's going on 5 AM. Luckily, I work from home and set my own hours, schedule, etc, etc. My friends and coaching clients are very understanding and loving people. And, luckily, I can recognize a "sign" when I see one manifest like this; it's been time to "shut down" lately ... and I've done so, like it or not. Or, at least, that's how I've chosen to excuse it.

Are you sick right now? If so, do you know why? The other day a friend of mine was telling me, "I always get sick this time of year. It's like clockwork - once inrepparttar 123656 winter time, once inrepparttar 123657 summer time", she said.

"You do", I asked, as if I couldn't believe it. Accordingly so, because I couldn't believe it.

"Yep - it happens EVERY year! Heck, I just plan on it. I know it's coming, so I just make sure I'm ready". And she was so matter-of-fact about it. Unbelievable!

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????? You've GOT to be kidding me!!"

"No - I'm not kidding at all. Why are you acting like that about it", she asks. I could tell she wasn't amused. However, I was ... incredibly!

I went on to explain my thoughts about this to her ... hopefully to her benefit.

Stop for a minute and think - do YOU get sick every year at a particular time? And how many people do you know who say something like this ... and live up to their word?

Scientists can say all they want to about our susceptibility to illness being greater during certain times ofrepparttar 123658 year. That's fine. But I suggest we pay attention to what we're telling ourselves. I mean, come on - if you TELL YOURSELF you're going to get sick - "like clockwork" - then WHAT do you expect to happen?

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