Be Mine...Bejeweled...Beware. Advice for Buying Gemstone Jewelry

Written by Larry Denton

Gemstones can be naturally mined, laboratory-created or total imitation. Natural gemstones (like rubies, sapphires, diamonds), asrepparttar name implies, were made by Mother Nature. Stones created in a lab can look identical to stones mined fromrepparttar 130179 earth since they have essentiallyrepparttar 130180 same chemical, physical and visual properties as natural gemstones. The major difference isrepparttar 130181 cost. Laboratory-created stones do not haverepparttar 130182 rarity or uniqueness of naturally colored stones and, consequently, are much less expensive than naturally mined stones. Because these synthetic stones look similar torepparttar 130183 real stones, they must be identified (labeled) as being lab-created. In contrast, imitation stones look like natural stones in appearance only, and may be glass, plastic, or less costly stones.

Gemstones can be measured by weight, size or both. The basic unit for weighing gemstones isrepparttar 130184 carat (with a C), which is equal to one-fifth of a gram. Carats are divided into 100 smaller units, called points. For example, a half-carat gemstone would weigh .50 carats or 50 points. When gemstones are measured by dimensions,repparttar 130185 size is expressed in millimeters (for example, 7x5 mm.). Many gemstones are treated in some manner to improve their appearance or durability, or even change their color. Jewelers should tell you whetherrepparttar 130186 gemstone you are considering has been treated since it may affect its value or require some special care.

Diamonds,repparttar 130187 proverbial girls' best friend, are valued on four basic criteria: color, clarity, cut, and carat. The color of a diamond is usually "graded" on a scale. However, scales are not uniform: a "D" may berepparttar 130188 best color on one scale, but not for another. Clarity refers torepparttar 130189 presence or absence of internal flaws, called inclusions, which occur naturally withinrepparttar 130190 stone, or to external blemishes, such as scratches or chips. A diamond can be described as "flawless" only if it has no visible surface or internal imperfections when viewed under a 10-power magnification by a skilled diamond grader. Make sure you know how a particular scale and grade representrepparttar 130191 color or clarity ofrepparttar 130192 diamond you are considering. Cut refers not only torepparttar 130193 shape ofrepparttar 130194 diamond, but also to size, angle, uniformity and polish ofrepparttar 130195 facets (faces ofrepparttar 130196 stone). Carat weight may be described in decimal or fractional parts of a carat, as described above.

How stay-at-Home Moms can Build a Web Business

Written by John Lynch

How Stay-at-Home Moms can Build a Web Business

Many mothers who look after their children at home often consider starting a part-time business. The problem is they do not have a lot of time. And money can also be a consideration. However,repparttar internet has opened possibilities that were not available a decade ago.

1) Advantages of an Online Business

A work-at-home business onrepparttar 130177 internet can solve many problems. It can lead to extra income while being flexible enough to allow you to takerepparttar 130178 children to school and collect them inrepparttar 130179 afternoon. And help with homework!

You simply workrepparttar 130180 few hours duringrepparttar 130181 day or grab opportunities when they arise. For example, I have started to write this article atrepparttar 130182 swimming pool while my children have their weekly swimming lesson. The internet allows this kind of flexibility.

2) What do you Need to Start a Web Business?

The initial requirement for this business is to haverepparttar 130183 confidence that you can be successful regardless of your experience with computers or repparttar 130184 internet. Persistence is also vital as many people jump about from one internet opportunity torepparttar 130185 next.

The right tools andrepparttar 130186 right information to guide you are essential. Many people wonder what sort of web business should they start.

Here I am giving you a link to several free ebooks on how to start and grow an Internet business. Topics covered include:

a) How to be an online Service Seller. b) How to be a successful affiliate. c) How to start an Internet Auctions business. d) How to drop ship goods without touching them.

Click below to download these free ebooks now.

3) How do you Build a Web Site?

Inrepparttar 130187 recent past,repparttar 130188 task of putting up a web site and submitting it torepparttar 130189 search engines and getting a merchant account and taking online orders was quite a task. Definitely, something forrepparttar 130190 technies.

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