Be Brief

Written by Militza Basualdo


When writing, always try to be brief. Unnecessary words are a lazy person’s habit, wasterepparttar effort ofrepparttar 128975 writers and reader and muddyrepparttar 128976 thinking and decision making. Here are some tips:

•Makerepparttar 128977 first paragraph clearly staterepparttar 128978 purpose answering in a general wayrepparttar 128979 who, what, when, where and why. Letrepparttar 128980 reader know what you want him/her to do.

•Discuss only one subject in each paragraph,repparttar 128981 same subject thatrepparttar 128982 topic sentence introduces.

•Never say in a paragraph what you can say in a sentence. Never say in a sentence what you can say with a word. Never say in a long word what you can say in a short word withrepparttar 128983 same meaning.

•Where data can stand on its own without explanation let it.

•If something is “needless to say”, why say it?

A HOME IN THE ETHER? Do Writers really need a website?

Written by Sue Kendrick

"Do I really need a web site?" This must be one ofrepparttar most frequent questions asked by on-line writers and for which there is only one answer ... NO, of course you don't!

If you think that is a little odd coming from someone that designs web sites and who has just released Free & Easy Web Design, a workshop for writers and publishers then read on!

The trouble with that question isrepparttar 128972 word NEED. Need indicates something you cannot do without, such as a daily meal, air to breath, clothes for warmth etc. You don't NEED a web site to continue your existence on this mortal coil (or, atrepparttar 128973 moment anyway, your writing career).

So, let's re-phraserepparttar 128974 question:

"Will a web site really do anything for my writing or for me?" Put this way,repparttar 128975 answer becomes a resounding YES!

But let's not get too carried away just yet! It is as well to ask yourself a few questions before you start looking for a home inrepparttar 128976 ether.

1. Do you regularly send out query letters and submissions, offer writing services such as copy writing, critiquing etc? If so a web site should definitely form part of your marketing arsenal.

You should view it inrepparttar 128977 same way that you view any off-line promotional material such as letterheads, business cards or information sheets. It should contain a brief biography with contact details and samples ofrepparttar 128978 type of work you do. It should also list any prizes that you may have won in writing competitions and if applicable, photographs of magazines in which you have been published. You can see some good examples of personal writing sites at choose Writers fromrepparttar 128979 left-hand menu.

Having this kind of site becomes even more important if you are already, or intend writing forrepparttar 128980 web. As editor of WriteLink I spend quite a lot of my time flashing from one site to another and find it quite irritating when someone approaches me with an idea and they don't have a web site containing examples of their work. The off-line world is just too slow for on-line editors!

2. Do you write a little poetry or a few short stories, mainly for your own pleasure? If this is you and you don't intend to take your writing any further, then a web site should figure much lower on your list of priorities. If you likerepparttar 128981 idea of sharing your work with your friends and family, only consider this option if you have cash or time to spare. Otherwise there are plenty of sites onrepparttar 128982 web that will allow you to show case your work on their sites. is a good choice, but there are lots of others.

3. Do you have a book to promote? Selling and promoting on-line is a very cheap and effective method of selling your book, but you need to get things right fromrepparttar 128983 start. This means you definitely should set up a site for your book. The site in itself is not enough to generate sales, but it is an essential part ofrepparttar 128984 whole marketing package that should include both on and off-line promotion. For more ideas on book promotion see The WriteLink to Promoting & Selling Your Book at This one's free!

4. How good are you at learning new skills? To getrepparttar 128985 best out of your web site you need to be able to up date it regularly and use it for what it is, one ofrepparttar 128986 many marketing tools available to promote yourself and your work.

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