Bath Time For Your Alzheimer’s Patient

Written by William Hammond, J.D.

Caring for an Alzheimer’s patient is one ofrepparttar most difficult things you can do. It involves a lot of energy, time and patience. It can be very frustrating. People with Alzheimer’s may refuse help from caregivers. This is a sign that they are actually trying to communicate with you. Refusal to accept care is a sign that something is missing or not right. It’s up torepparttar 114606 caregiver to assessrepparttar 114607 situation.

If your loved one refuses to take her bath or shower, this might be a clue that something is bothering her. It may be embarrassment. Remember that your loved one used to do all these things alone before she had Alzheimer’s and now she has to depend on another person. It is very frustrating. You may have to limit bath time. Approachrepparttar 114608 situation one step at a time in a non-threatening manner. While you help your loved one undress, use a smooth calming voice. As you bathe her, you can talk about old memories you used to share. It will makerepparttar 114609 process more enjoyable and pleasant for both of you.

If this does not work and your loved one still resists your help, then you might need try again later. When people with Alzheimer’s do not like to bathe, it often stems from fear. Make surerepparttar 114610 lighting inrepparttar 114611 bathroom is adequate for your loved one to see. If she cannot see well, her fear will increase. Letrepparttar 114612 shower or bath run for a while to warm uprepparttar 114613 room. It will make it more comfortable. No one likes to undress in a cold room. If your loved one is using a shower, you might want to put a chair in it so she can sit down. You can purchase one of those at a medical supply store or drug store. Use a hand held shower head. This will takerepparttar 114614 water up to her level and will be less threatening.

How Proper Calorie Fragmentation Improves Body Composition?

Written by Hristo Hristov

It is a well-established fact that calories control everyone's bodyweight. No matter how many meals a day you have, it isrepparttar calorie balance inrepparttar 114605 end ofrepparttar 114606 day that matters. If you eat fewer calories than you are burning, you will lose weight. It won't matter if these calories come from chocolate, bagels, meat, eggs, fruit or whatever else.

Calories control bodyweight.

What about body composition? The two major components of body composition are lean body mass and fat mass. Suppose you just lost 10 pounds of bodyweight. Does it matter how many of those 10 pounds were fat and how many muscle? Sure, it DOES matter. While calorie balance controls bodyweight, other important factors influencerepparttar 114607 proportions of fat and muscle that you gain or lose! These factors may improve or make worserepparttar 114608 way you look naked.

One of those factors is calorie distribution (or calorie fragmentation). Bodybuilders, asrepparttar 114609 group of people most concerned with their body composition, have been spreading their calorie intake into smaller and more frequent meals for decades. Originally they believed that doing so "raises one's metabolism". Science has never proved this belief. Recent findings reveal that there is no metabolic advantage of eating smaller and more frequent meals.

However recent research has uncovered that spreading your calorie intake into smaller and more frequent meals improves body composition! More calories end up building muscles, and less calories go to your fat deposits. The calorie balance equation still rules, but more calories end up building muscles! That, my friend, means that you will look better!

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