Basic Mailing Lists

Written by Mark Jackson


Have you recently noticed an increase inrepparttar amount of mail you've been receiving at home? Yes,repparttar 116385 bills always seem to be mounting in number, but you're also probably getting more offers and requests throughrepparttar 116386 mail, too. "Join our club." "Buy our product." "Subscribe to our publication." "Just ask about us." The variety is almost unlimited! You may be finding that many of these mailings not only make attractive offers, but also focus on your specific interests or needs.

There is something behind this mail explosion - something that may benefit your business or organization. Mail is fast becoming recognized as an efficient, profitable and effective way to approach an audience, even forrepparttar 116387 small business or organization.To be able to userepparttar 116388 mail, you must have a list of names. As this report will discuss: 1.Mailing lists can be one of your organization's most valuable assets; 2. For your mailing lists to be that valuable asset, you must first collectrepparttar 116389 proper information and then keep it accurate and up-to-date.

The purpose of this report is to offer you a guide for creating, using and maintaining your mailing lists to improverepparttar 116390 productivity and profitability and/or effectiveness of your business or organization.

Free Traffic Exposed!

Written by Steven Ackerman

Free Traffic Exposed!

In this article I am going to show you how to get hundreds of free visitors to your site, Absolutely Free, using Start Page Exchanges. What is a Start Page Exchange? It isrepparttar page that appears in your Internet Explorer screen when you open it. The default setting on your browser is usally MSN or your ISP's home page. This is easy to change. It is not nessasary to change your homepage if you don't want to.

Basically this how it works. The exchange puts someone elses webpage on your screen in exchange YOUR website is displayed on another members screen. The ratio varies depending onrepparttar 116384 exchange. Some exchanges give you 1:1 and others are 2:1 there are other ratios but these arerepparttar 116385 most popular. There are hundreds of these exchanges out there and new ones are added every day. You also get free credits for signing other people up. You earn these free credits two ways. Bonus signup credits and a percentage ofrepparttar 116386 credits that your downline earns. Most exchanges have several levels you can earn credits from. If you are a paid member you can also earn money from these sites. This is not only a great way to earn free visitors, but also a great way to visit other peoples sites and find information or programs you are interested in.

First, you will want to you signed up for a few traffic exchanges. If you are already a member of some go ahead and use them. Each of these programs will give you instructions about how to set them up. Here are a few of my suggestions. If you are going to sign up for these sites I would really appreciate your business. Please use my referral links. Read my author profile to get a link to my referal url's.

TrafficSwarm (my personal favorite) NoMoreHits (one ofrepparttar 116387 oldest and largest) WebmasterQuest (multiple ways to earn traffic) Share-Traffic (win credits playing a poker hand after every 25 sites)

Go torepparttar 116388 above sites and sign up for these programs now. You are also going to want a program called CrazyBrowser ( This program allows you to surf these traffic exchanges all atrepparttar 116389 same time. There are other programs out there but I find CrazyBrowser easiest to use, plus it has many features that make it very user friendly. Once you have downloaded CrazyBrowser, install it and open a few windows just to get familiar with how it works. When you open several windows you will see tabs atrepparttar 116390 top of CrazyBrowser. Just clickrepparttar 116391 tabs to change from one site to another.

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