Balance your life

Written by Liana Metal

Balance your life

By Liana Metal -----------------------

Writing is a solitary task. Writing needs concentration and quiet. Writing requires absolute commitment.

Are all there scary statements true? What is more, is it possible to balance your writing career and family without turning yourself into a zombie?

Everything is feasible; I amrepparttar living example of it.

There is only one secret: TIME PLAN. This is step one forrepparttar 101487 aspiring writer's success. Without it, nothing can be achieved. How can you do it?

Simply make a rough plan ofrepparttar 101488 time allowed to your writing project every day. It is highly important forrepparttar 101489 writer to know exactly WHEN he /she is going to settle down and write, feeling free of allrepparttar 101490 other responsibilities that he has.

I have made a simple schedule. You can work out yours according to your family needs. Every morning just after breakfast, and as soon asrepparttar 101491 family have gone, I allow myself to work on my PC for one to two hours, depending onrepparttar 101492 workload ofrepparttar 101493 day. Then I go on withrepparttar 101494 house chores and allrepparttar 101495 rest ofrepparttar 101496 family tasks till noon. At 2 o' clock everybody is back so I serve lunch, but after that I have 2-3 hours free to work on my morning assignment. Thus, there is plenty of time to care forrepparttar 101497 family , while inrepparttar 101498 afternoons I still have time to go to my part time job in time , feeling satisfied I have worked at home on my project.

Inrepparttar 101499 evening I sometimes find an hour or so , whenrepparttar 101500 family watch TV . This time I sit with them inrepparttar 101501 living room , having pre arranged to dorepparttar 101502 easiest tasks for my writing job, such as note taking or layout planning of new stories or articles. I use pen to paper and I don't bother if I make mistakes. Next morning, there is plenty of time to revise them and complete them.

If this plan has been working perfectly for me, why not for you as well? You only have to calculate when and how long you need to write every day. Of course , you must stick to your plan and never give it up , apart from very urgent cases. Remember that your work is also urgent, so never skip it.

Wisdom Over Coffee

Written by Helaine Iris

Wisdom Over Coffee Helaine Iris © 2004 “Learn to pause ... or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.” Doug King I was having coffee with three coach colleagues at Starbucksrepparttar other day. It’s a ritual I look forward to. We get together twice a month to share our wins and our challenges, support each other and have a good time deepening our connection. We go aroundrepparttar 101486 table, each taking a turn to share our news or receive coaching on whatever our challenge may be that week. It’s a valuable, two-hour investment that always proves to be fascinating and energizing. This time, as we were completingrepparttar 101487 round of sharing, I was struck by an awareness that suspended my ability to stay focused onrepparttar 101488 conversation. I let myself follow my own meandering train of thought for a while and then decided to share my question withrepparttar 101489 group. My query was this: Why are we so often fearful and continue to get in our own way when we are striving to live a bigger life? Even coaches, individuals who are trained, practiced and experienced at negotiating fear, doubt and disempowered thinking get stopped and stuck. Although this wasn’t a new thought for me, my curiosity was building about some bigger phenomenon at play. I kept coming back torepparttar 101490 thought that regardless how educated, self aware, or evolved someone is, they still exhibit behavior that prevents them from stepping fully and effortlessly intorepparttar 101491 biggest life they want. Why is this? I finally wondered out loud to my interested and wise friends. I began to think aboutrepparttar 101492 primitive part of our brain -repparttar 101493 “reptilian brain,” which is programmed for survival. As human beings, we all share a need for security, and this part of our brain generates that need. Further, as my coach Kimberly Fulcher states, “If your need for security is not satisfied, whetherrepparttar 101494 threat you perceive is real or imagined, you will live each day of your life focused solely on how to protect yourself. In this state, there will be no room forrepparttar 101495 risk taking and courageous action that is required to pursue your dreams.”

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