Back to the Future

Written by Ron Jackson

For decadesrepparttar likes of Money magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily and many smaller print financial publications have ethically and quickly earned hundreds of millions of dollars by fully leveraging their assets.

But most web sites do not leverage all of their assets. I know, I've been a web publisher forrepparttar 121681 past three years and a "print" newsletter publisher for nearly a total of 20 years.

I'd like to share this money making idea with you by telling you about three men I've worked with and how they built wildly profitable print publishing empires by using a simple but highly effective marketing concept...

Inrepparttar 121682 1960s Bill Bonner, Howard Ruff and Brian Smith built their print financial newsletter companies solely onrepparttar 121683 marketing power of direct mail. Those men are largely unknown by Internet publishers.

By using direct mail those publishers literally generated billions of dollars in both paid financial newsletter subscriptions and in list rental income.

Now in 2000repparttar 121684 Internet has eclipsed print newsletters but not one web based financial publication is as remotely profitable as those of Bonner, Ruff and Smith. Why?

Because Internet marketing has not yet developedrepparttar 121685 most basic direct marketing tool that connects directly customers with financial services providers.

That tool for Bonner, Ruff and Smith wasrepparttar 121686 direct mail list, now it's direct e-mail lists.

A well constructed file of e-mail names can help you instantly leverage your assets and income inrepparttar 121687 same way print publishers like Money magazine, Time, Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal rent their subscriber lists.

By merging your e-mail names and addresses into a vertical database you can receive list rental income every time your names are rented to other providers of similar services.

How to Find Prospects That BUY!

Written by Robert Imbriale

One ofrepparttar questions that comes up most often in my business is this; “Where do you find high quality fresh, responsive prospects?” And then I hearrepparttar 121680 next series of questions; Do you buy them? Do you rent them? Who do you buy or rent them from? How do find out who has them inrepparttar 121681 first place?

Althoughrepparttar 121682 answers to these questions are not complicated, they can be a little overwhelming torepparttar 121683 uninitiated. So, let’s take it step-by-step and you’ll see, there really is nothing to it!

There are dozens of ways to find prospects, and there are companies all overrepparttar 121684 place that would be more than willing to sell you as many prospects as you could ever want and/or need!

Prospecting is a "buyer beware" type of business so let me share with you some ofrepparttar 121685 things you need to know about buying prospecting leads so that your money is well invested and that you getrepparttar 121686 results you are seeking.

Let's start by getting clear on what a "good" prospect really is. To begin with, I like to ask myselfrepparttar 121687 question, "Who is already doing business with my prospects?" To answer that question means that I have to be crystal-clear on who my ideal prospects are.

When I bring this up in my seminars, I'll always ask, "Who is your ideal prospect?" And very often I get people telling me that "EVERYBODY" is their ideal prospect! Now, I can’t speak for you, but what I do know is that there is not a single product or service in existence that EVERYBODY buys, has bought, or will buy! You may think that everybody “needs” your product or service, and while that might be partly true, remember, people only buy what they “want” not what they “need.”

What you do want to find out is what publications your ideal prospects read? For instance, if you sell Internet Web sites, you may want to go after people who have a business, or who may be planning to start a business. You'll find these people read certain magazines, newsletters, and that many of them frequent certain types of web sites.

You may also find many of these people have certain other things in common. They may earn more than $100,000/year, for example, or they may drive certain types of cars, they may own homes worth more than $250,000, etc. These items are known as “demographics.”

This is a big word that really only means that we have created a group of names based on some data such as average household income, average age, average home purchase price, etc. Demographics, in short, are simply another way to segment out your perfect prospects.

When it comes to buying prospects, you have some choices to make. Do you want to spend a lot of money per name and get a better quality lead and likely a much higher response rate, or do you prefer to spend less money, get more names and get a lower response rate?

Here'srepparttar 121688 difference. You can rent a "compiled" list of prospects for very little money usually about a nickel a name. These lists are compiled from many data sources, and may or may not be ideal for your offer. In other words,repparttar 121689 list is compiled using a loose set of criteria andrepparttar 121690 names on that list may be very interested in your, or may only hold a casual interest, or even no interest at all. You will have no way of knowing this in advance without actually testingrepparttar 121691 list with your mailing.

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