Baby Shower Themes

Written by Cathy Cripps

Oncerepparttar type of shower has been decided on,repparttar 139536 fun begins in creating a theme. Sometimes,repparttar 139537 shower will be very elegant, sometimes more casual, and sometimes, just downright fun. The theme ofrepparttar 139538 shower should be a direct reflection onrepparttar 139539 expectant parents’ personalities and lifestyle. Therefore, when hosting, it is important that they have input intorepparttar 139540 final decisions.

Again, you can do anything you like, as long as it coordinates with whatrepparttar 139541 couple wants. If you will berepparttar 139542 host, take this opportunity to use your imagination, borrow ideas, and allowrepparttar 139543 creative juices to flow. You wantrepparttar 139544 baby shower to be enjoyable, full of laughter, and a memorable occasional regardless ofrepparttar 139545 theme. The following are a few popular recommendations:


Typically, a baby shower consists of games, food, and presents. However, why not takerepparttar 139546 idea one-step further by including frozen dinners, preferably homemade. Ifrepparttar 139547 couple has room, have each guest bring something that can be frozen or is already frozen.

Whetherrepparttar 139548 shower is before or afterrepparttar 139549 birth ofrepparttar 139550 baby, this meansrepparttar 139551 couple does not have to spend tired nights trying to cook. Instead, they can simply pull out one ofrepparttar 139552 frozen dinners, pop it inrepparttar 139553 oven or microwave, and in a short time, have a nutritious homemade meal.

You would be amazed at how much this sentiment is appreciated. Just be sure everyone labelsrepparttar 139554 food withrepparttar 139555 name, date, and any cooking instructions. Finally, if possible, try to provide some meal ideas for guests so they know what types of foodrepparttar 139556 couple enjoys. By offering a little guidance, this will also help reducerepparttar 139557 chance of duplication.


This theme baby shower is not only fun but also a tremendous help to bothrepparttar 139558 expectant mother and father. With this, every guest would bring a handwritten, signed, and dated IOU that would provide a service afterrepparttar 139559 birth ofrepparttar 139560 baby. Similar to task coupons,repparttar 139561 mother can call uponrepparttar 139562 IOU when needed andrepparttar 139563 family member of friend complies. Some ofrepparttar 139564 things you would expect to see include:

  • One home cooked dinner
  • One night of babysitting
  • Four hours of house cleaning
  • One week of laundry

Top 10 Travelers Tips for a Happy Family

Written by Steve Waterhouse

As an international speaker and consultant, I coverrepparttar world from Sydney to Dubai . Here are 10 secrets that have maderepparttar 139395 difference for me and my family.

Send postcards from everywhere. It makes younger children look forward to your next trip and reminds your spouse that you are thinking of him or her.

Use your frequent flier miles forrepparttar 139396 family. My family knows that long trips mean many miles to apply to great summer vacations. This helps them seerepparttar 139397 positive side of my time away.

Be home when you are home. When I had a non-traveling job, I would leave forrepparttar 139398 office at 6am and return at 11pm . The funny thing is that I called that 'being home'. When I started traveling, I knew a change was needed. I scheduled breakfast with each of my two children each week at our favorite bagel shop. It was great one-on-one time and ensured that they did not get lost inrepparttar 139399 post-trip paperwork. I actually spend more high-value time withrepparttar 139400 family now than I did before.

Don't whine! Your family doesn't want to hear about your delayed flights and bad hotels and you don't need to rerun it in your mind. Tell them aboutrepparttar 139401 good stuff and you'll all feel better about it, too.

Marryrepparttar 139402 right person. Gina and I have been married for over 25 years and her friends think she's nuts for 'letting me do all that travel'. Fortunately, Gina is an independent type who enjoys her time alone and takes advantage of my time away.

Bring a little home with you. I have my favorite picture ofrepparttar 139403 family onrepparttar 139404 background in my laptop. Every time I turn it on, they are there.

Have your children's teacher's email addresses. When there are problems at school, I can keep in touch withrepparttar 139405 teacher from anywhere with email. The teachers love it and I know my children feel my presence (even when they wish I would disappear).

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