Written by Jard DeVille

If you voted for George Bush inrepparttar recent election, you should stop complaining aboutrepparttar 125872 national budget crunch andrepparttar 125873 planned destruction of public education, Social Security, Medicare and Veteran Affairs. Ignorerepparttar 125874 wounding and death of so many service men and women andrepparttar 125875 looming war between civilizations that shall recruit a million more terrorists who haterepparttar 125876 way our government arms tyrants to dominate a billion miserable, poverty stricken people. After all, you got precisely what George Bush promised -- you got what you signed on for. You helped create a powerful movement away from our beloved Republic toward a ruthless American Empire ruled by a handful of powerful neo fascist aristocrats, neo con politicians and neo-zealot preachers who came together in a coup againstrepparttar 125877 people ofrepparttar 125878 United States. We now see multitudes of persons falling out ofrepparttar 125879 middle class; battered by subsistence wages, under financed schools, homelessness, poor medical care, a horrendous national debt and vanishing retirement plans. There shall be bloodshed forrepparttar 125880 next half century as much ofrepparttar 125881 world bands against us. Inrepparttar 125882 words of former Fed Chairman Paul Volker, “We face a looming financial, political and social disaster that is tied directly torepparttar 125883 Bush tax cuts andrepparttar 125884 expenses of a war fought for totally irresponsible reasons.”

Bush’s modus operandi in serving his robber baron supporters, is to pull government out ofrepparttar 125885 business of serving everyone except those withrepparttar 125886 clout to demand more and more from their reactionary politicians and fundamental preachers. After all, real human services require taxes that powerful manipulators don’t want to pay at all. Since taxes arerepparttar 125887 price we pay for civilization, they evidently believe thatrepparttar 125888 benefits of civilized living are greatly overrated. This is what Bush had in mind when he quipped that a dictatorship wasn’t such a bad idea -- providing he wasrepparttar 125889 dictator. One doesn’t have to be a Freudian analyst to recognize that many a jest concealsrepparttar 125890 truth as a means of maintaining deniability. One Bush scheme includes propagandizing naïve Americans into believing that our children are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq to extendrepparttar 125891 blessings of freedom there. Actually, torepparttar 125892 reactionaries now in power, democracy has become a quaint, much overrated concept fromrepparttar 125893 rural past. Freedom has already been overwhelmed by a tsunami of campaign money that leavesrepparttar 125894 people unable to control their politicians. And, withrepparttar 125895 intrusive presence of Homeland Security reaching down into every neighborhood, with someone like Roberto Gonzalesrepparttar 125896 Attorney General, do you really believe that right wing neo fascists are ever going to disband such a powerful command and control system? Not in our lifetimes, even if terrorism vanished tomorrow. No one relinquishes power willingly -- least of allrepparttar 125897 politicians and preachers who combine forces to gain control over society.

Actually, George Bush’s concept of freedom is to foist unrestricted Capitalism and Consumerism on developing societies to further enrichrepparttar 125898 financial aristocracy. It has nothing to do with Jeffersonian self-governance. It simply cannot; not with so

Legislators, not sober drivers, are ones with impaired judgment

Written by Sheri Conover Sharlow, Libertarian Writers' Bureau

Open-container bill wouldn’t make roads safer, but it would make life more difficult for drivers


It’s a good thing thatrepparttar current open-container bill wasn’t law when I was a newspaper reporter. One of our photographers could have unwittingly brokenrepparttar 125871 law as we covered a story.

We joined two hilarious volunteers, a lawyer and a funeral-home director, forrepparttar 125872 city-wide cleanup. Their mission: To become real garbagemen. They debated what to do with goopy trash bags they dubbed radioactive (“Real garbagemen aren’t afraid of nuclear waste.”) They poked fun at other volunteers (“Real garbagemen don’t have clean gloves.”)

Soon, their truck was heaping with trash. Then they saw another bag.

“Real garbagemen don’t drive past garbage,”repparttar 125873 passenger toldrepparttar 125874 driver.

The passenger jumped out ofrepparttar 125875 truck and grabbedrepparttar 125876 bag. He couldn’t wedge it intorepparttar 125877 truck bed, so he openedrepparttar 125878 car door ofrepparttar 125879 photographer who was following them. He tossedrepparttar 125880 bag on her front-seat floor.

Underrepparttar 125881 open-container bill – House Bill 1057 – if there was just one empty beer can or bourbon bottle inside that bag, she could be ticketed.

It doesn’t matter that she was sober. It doesn’t matter that someone else putrepparttar 125882 bag there without her consent. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t knowrepparttar 125883 bag’s contents. It doesn’t matter that she was hauling away litter. It doesn’t matter that her employer would have been tougher than any officer if she had been drinking while she was working.

All that matters under this bill is if there’s an open alcohol container inrepparttar 125884 passenger compartment.

Once again, our legislature is leading us intorepparttar 125885 Land of Unintended Consequences because it lacksrepparttar 125886 sense andrepparttar 125887 guts to dorepparttar 125888 right thing, which is nothing.

Too bad. They had been holding firmly against this legislation long sought byrepparttar 125889 federal government.

The federal government has extorted Hoosiers torepparttar 125890 tune of $20 million a year of highway taxes that our drivers have paid, just because it doesn’t like Indiana’s highway law. Never mind that pesky 10th Amendment, which says that powers not specifically designated byrepparttar 125891 U.S. Constitution belong torepparttar 125892 states.

The Indiana General Assembly should have learned from its recent tour torepparttar 125893 Land of Unintended Consequences. A law that was passed in 2001 and went into effect this January required all food-serving establishments to employ licensed food handlers.

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