B2B Marketing Health and Elder Care Services

Written by Barbara Mascio

Reachingrepparttar Decision Makers ofrepparttar 103381 Healthcare and Elder Care Industry

Quality Care Options is an established company advocating forrepparttar 103382 right of all seniors to receive excellent service and product. The organization recommends Certified Senior Approved Services to its elderly clientele.

Through its highly visible web sites and monthly ezines, Quality Care Options (QCO) attracts bothrepparttar 103383 senior andrepparttar 103384 businesses that serverepparttar 103385 senior population.

Barbara Mascio, Founder of QCO, has been inundated with requests from healthcare businesses for recommendations towards resources that would further promote an elder or healthcare related business.

These requests include; ‘Who should I call forrepparttar 103386 best liability insurance coverage?’ ‘Who do you recommend as a resource for market analysis?’ ‘How do I start an elder care business?’ and even ‘Who can handle our maintenance and lawn care?’

“Every business serving our senior population needs resources towards recruitment, security checks, lead generation and advice on marketing how-to’s and so we’ve provided a very affordable method for businesses offering these products, services and resources to reach our web site visitors”, states Barbara.

Not all advertising will be accepted. You must first submit your banner or text by followingrepparttar 103387 guidelines found on http://www.qualityeldercare.com/advertising

Grow your business by adding sticking power to your resolutions

Written by Al Hanzal

Growing Your Business by Adding More Sticking Power to Your Resolutions

If you are like me, a new year brings dreams of a fresh start for your small business. Hopes abound forrepparttar new year. But, inrepparttar 103380 back of your mind, you may remember your past resolutions. Resolutions that were swallowed up inrepparttar 103381 bus-i-ness of daily life. By February, you have already moved on, with January’s resolutions only a vague memory.

Here’s a quick and easy way to grow your business by making your business resolutions last longer thanrepparttar 103382 end of January! Make your resolutions from a customer perspective. By focusing on your customer’s interest, you give a new purpose to your business resolutions. You give your resolutions more sticking power and more opportunity to grow your business!

Step One--Go withrepparttar 103383 Customer Winners “Go withrepparttar 103384 Winners.” Create a list of ten customer successes you had in 2004. These could be customer sales on a particular product; lead generation successes; selling model successes; customer follow up processes; different product or service offerings. These winners could be a more customer friendly website or an internal process that made it easier for customers to buy or buy more often from you.

If you are having difficulty identifying these customers winners, focus on areas where customers made nice comments about your business; places where they sang your praises; activities or areas where customers where delighted with your business efforts.

Now take three of these winners and do them again in 2005. They were customer winners in 2004; you can make these winners again in 2005. Create a simple plan. The plan should include what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and when are you going to do it. Write it down and post it where you can see it every day.

Step Two--Droprepparttar 103385 Customer Losers Every business has losers. You have losers. What are customer related activities that cost you money, lost time, or lost productive energy in 2004? Make a list of ten customer losers.

You may find your losers inrepparttar 103386 same areas where you found customer winners. These could be areas of products or services, lead generation, selling models, customers follow up. They could be either internal or external activities that were not customer successes. Dropping losers is hard. You may have sacred cows you are afraid of dropping. If you need courage to drop a loser, remember your customer perspective. If it wasn’t a winner for them, why do you want to keep it? Besides, if you don’t eliminaterepparttar 103387 losers from your business, there will be no room for more winners.

If you are unsure about what losers to drop, ask yourself what are your customer’s biggest complaints? Where did they express disappointments? Where did they say you could do better?

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