Awards Programs: Submitting Your Site For Awards

Written by Richard Lowe

All right, you've got a nice site. You've worked long and hard to make it as good as you can. Now you want to get a little recognition for your efforts. You want someone to take a look at what you've accomplished and tell you if you've done a good job.

You can submit your site to awards programs to have it reviewed by other webmasters. There are literally thousands (and probably tens of thousands) of awards available all overrepparttar internet. Some are easy to win - all you have to do is send in your site and you getrepparttar 131990 award. These are about as fulfilling as white bread.

Some awards programs are exceptionally difficult to win. You have to have a perfect (literally) site to even get close to winning. These are exceptionally frustrating as most of us are not perfect at everything. However, winning one (even a "bronze") can make you feel like you are on top ofrepparttar 131991 world.

Most awards programs are run by webmasters who honestly want to examine other sites and reward their creators in some small way for their efforts. These awardmasters generally will not spend a long time looking at your site (although you will find some who spend hours examining each entry), but they will look at least for a few minutes.

How do you submit your site to awards programs? Well, first you have to find sites which give out awards. The absolute best place to look is - there is no better list of awards programs. My advice is to go there and submit your site to as many programs as you see fit.

Okay, so you've found an award that you want to get. Perhaps it has a nice graphic image (always looks good to have some interesting award images on a web site) or perhaps it just appeals to you for some other reason. Now what?

Look overrepparttar 131992 site. Why? After all,repparttar 131993 only thing you want to do is submit your site and move on, right? Well, there is an implicit exchange involved in awards programs. You see,repparttar 131994 awardmaster is typically going to spend some time examining your site to see if it measures up torepparttar 131995 criteria. In other words, he is going to look over your site. The least you can do is spend a few minutes checking out what he's done.

Once you've spent a few minutes or longer onrepparttar 131996 site, it's a nice touch to signrepparttar 131997 guestbook. Now, no awards programs which is worth anything requires that a guestbook be signed as part ofrepparttar 131998 criteria, and don't expect it to help you win, but it's a nice touch as it finishes your exchange. You are asking someone to do some work for you so you can win, so why not make him or her feel good while you are asking?

Awards Programs: Handling The Losers

Written by Richard Lowe

Sometimes it's an easy decision, sometimes it's more difficult. Occasionally you find a site which onrepparttar surface looks very good and you spend hours looking it over, comparing it to each part of your criteria. Believe me, it's those last one's that hurtrepparttar 131987 most -repparttar 131988 site is gorgeous and wonderful, but ... it just does not meet your criteria.

So what should you do? Should I send a note torepparttar 131989 webmaster to fill him in on what I found that was not correct? Wouldn't he or she want to know? These questions go through my mind every time I look at a site which applies for one of my awards. Should I tell them what's wrong?

NEVER. Let me be fully and completely clear about this - NEVER UNDER ANY CONDITIONS, WHETHER REQUESTED OR NOT, SEND BACK CRITICAL COMMENTS TO ANYONE WHO HAS APPLIED FOR YOUR AWARDS PROGRAM. NEVER. After all, if you apply your criteria torepparttar 131990 letter it should be obvious whyrepparttar 131991 site didn't winrepparttar 131992 award - it didn't meetrepparttar 131993 criteria.

There are lots of reasons not to tell webmasters why they didn't get your award.

There is nothing more devastating to a webmaster than getting back critical comments, especially when those comments are not anticipated. It's one thing to be in a classroom environment and receive feedback, it's entirely a different matter to have a professional webmaster tell you your site is horrible or even thatrepparttar 131994 "navigation needs work".

Let's say you do send a quick note which explains, "your navigation was difficult to comprehend." Well, nowrepparttar 131995 webmaster has to send you an email back asking "what do you mean?" After this, you might spendrepparttar 131996 next week trying to explain what on earth you meant. Wouldn't it be better to be working on your web site, doing your job or taking your kids torepparttar 131997 circus? The odds of you winning this discussion are very low.

More often, you'll sendrepparttar 131998 note and get back an incredibly hostile response. You have not made a friend.

And even more often,repparttar 131999 webmaster will not send a note back to you at all. You will never hear from this person again. Butrepparttar 132000 unkind words will stick in his mind. He or she will be hurt or unhappy.

Once in a while, your words may discourage what could have been a good webmaster. You may return torepparttar 132001 site a few weeks later and find it gone ... and you will never know whether it was your comments that did it.

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