Avoiding print head burnout

Written by Barry Shultz

The print head, which isrepparttar engine of your printer and which may or may not be located insiderepparttar 107205 cartridge, houses hundreds of tiny, delicate nozzle assemblies. Each nozzle assembly consists of a tiny ink chamber, a resistor that controlsrepparttar 107206 flow of ink, walls that guiderepparttar 107207 ink torepparttar 107208 right position, and a nozzle plate with a hole, from whichrepparttar 107209 ink will be sprayed ontorepparttar 107210 printer paper.

After each time a nozzle fires, a new supply of printer ink is automatically drawn into its chamber, to be ready forrepparttar 107211 next time. Whenrepparttar 107212 printer is told byrepparttar 107213 computer to print a page,repparttar 107214 copper circuits onrepparttar 107215 end ofrepparttar 107216 ink cartridge send a message torepparttar 107217 nozzle's resistor, which then heats repparttar 107218 nozzle's ink supply just enough to cause it to expand and to force a drop of ink throughrepparttar 107219 nozzle ontorepparttar 107220 printer paper.

Tips for refilling printer cartridges

Written by Barry Shultz

1. If this isrepparttar first time you have refilled always start with a refill kit. The kits include allrepparttar 107204 tools, ink and instructions necessary to successfully refill your cartridge. If you find that you can't dorepparttar 107205 procedure and just don't like refilling you are not out a lot of money. You would be surprised how many people order 4 pounds of bulk ink and don't have a clue what to do with it.

2. Do not let your inkjet cartridges dry out. You should be refilling them when there is at least a small amount of ink to keeprepparttar 107206 print heads moist. If you have a dried up cartridge you can try soakingrepparttar 107207 print head (if it has one) in our FLUSH solution over night. Ifrepparttar 107208 sponges are dry you can inject a couple cc's of FLUSH and let it sit over night.

3. Refill in batches if possible, testing each cartridge as you go along. See #12 for storage solutions..

4. Always have a spare cartridge that works. Don't think that just because you had a successful refillrepparttar 107209 last time that you will again. Inkjet cartridges are unpredictable. They don't need a reason to fail.

5. Do not buy a large amount of ink unless you are confident ofrepparttar 107210 refilling process. This was already mentioned but I think it deserves a line of its own. Get a refill kit first until you're comfortable withrepparttar 107211 refilling process.

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