Avoiding Work at Home Scams

Written by TBA ~ Tricia, Billie and baby Ashley

There are no get rich quick realities inrepparttar work at home world. You're have to do research on any business that you want to start. Always research any business your interested in, you never know it could just be a scam.

Ok so, how do you know if a business or job opportunity is a scam? One major red flag is if a JOB wants you to pay money to start your job.

Read this carefully - NO Job requires you to pay money to start! That's a scam!

If your starting your own business, then that will require money to start, because it is your business, not a JOB!

Below are some places you can check to find out more information about home business scams:

Does your Company have Documentum?

Written by Mike Nielsen

Are you lost inrepparttar mess of documents that get passed around your company, never knowing whatrepparttar 103169 latest version is and which one you should work on without worrying if someone else has already maderepparttar 103170 same editions that you are making? Perhaps you have heard of collaboration software solutions such as Documentum to help your company manage its documents that are passed around. Documentum is a very good solution to this problem but is itrepparttar 103171 only one? In this article you will be presented with some basic information aboutrepparttar 103172 differences in collaboration software from Documentum and NextPage.

What is collaboration software?

Collaboration software allows business professionals to work directly with other business professionals by allowing them to work together to create business documents, presentations, and budgets. Most collaboration software is centralized. This allows business professionals to work onrepparttar 103173 same documents atrepparttar 103174 same time from different locations. Some centralized collaboration software solutions include Groove Network, Microsoft SharePoint, Documentum, and Filenet.

Why use Documentum?

There are a few advantages to using centralized collaboration software such as Documentum. The main advantage being that they work very well for team collaboration. Documentum’s software keeps all files, projects, and data in one centralized location that everyone who is working onrepparttar 103175 project can access. This allows them to review and updaterepparttar 103176 same document that everyone else has used, which essentially keeps everyone working onrepparttar 103177 same page.

Are there any drawbacks to Documentum?

Whilerepparttar 103178 collaboration software solution provided by Documentum is very useful and beneficial, there are a few drawbacks to using it. The main disadvantage being that Documentum’s software requiresrepparttar 103179 use of an IT infrastructure. Another potential drawback is that it requires an extensive amount of installation time. This can be a major inconvenience to those business professionals who are always busy and onrepparttar 103180 go. Other collaboration software options out there also require everyone you work with to haverepparttar 103181 same software in order to share information. All of these drawbacks to centralized collaboration software can be very expensive and inconvenient.

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