Avoid the Tendency to Underestimate Your Greatness

Written by Josh Hinds

Avoidrepparttar Tendency to Underestimate Your Greatness By Josh Hinds (c)

As a whole I think there is a sad tendency in most of us to underestimate just how powerful we are. Just how much greatness lies inside each and every one of us - just waiting to get out. The reality is if you knew just how special you were - and how much greatness went into making yourepparttar 129623 unique you that you are I'm convinced you'd immediately know that nothing can truly keep you from achieving that which you want in your life.

The journey is not always an easy one - very little of lasting or true value is first paved with an easy road. In fact we often find it is those very times we believed to be insurmountable that are often most responsible for our gainingrepparttar 129624 skills it took to reach our eventual success.

What I'm suggesting is thatrepparttar 129625 skills it takes to become that which we desire to be are learned most often through times of hardship or unrest. Certainlyrepparttar 129626 good times and study in self-improvement plays a part, but don't discountrepparttar 129627 importance of life's challenges either. Inrepparttar 129628 end all parts of our life can be valuable teachers.

Internet Dating for the Midlife Woman

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life & EQ Coach

More Internet dating and matchmaking sites are coming online allrepparttar time. It’s no wonder they’re so popular. We’re all looking and it pays to extend your reach.

Midlife dating is definitely a “numbers game” and here’s why. The only way to do this is to get in there and start doing it. If you have been married a long time, you’ll find men at this age (whatever age you’re at now) are different. Dating onrepparttar 129621 Internet can help you get back into circulation. Some even often online “speed” dating, where you can make contact with several men onrepparttar 129622 same evening.

If you’re serious about finding a new guy, no doubt you’re getting out in your own community, have joined singles, activities and religious groups, are taking dancing lesson, pursuing your usual hobbies and interests, and letting others know you’re ready to date again. The Internet is “what else” you can do.

The Internet offers two opportunities you may not have thought of. First of all, there are plenty of pornography and sex sites onrepparttar 129623 Internet andrepparttar 129624 guys know where they are. Therefore, many ofrepparttar 129625 men on dating sites are truly interested in dating, long-term commitment, friendship, and marriage.

Secondly, certain aspects of Internet dating favorrepparttar 129626 non-aggressive man with honest intent. Using an Internet dating site takes time. If he’s desperate and needy (emotionally or sexually), he won’t takerepparttar 129627 time to fill out an Internet form and start emailing, but will head forrepparttar 129628 local dive where he knows he can find what he’s after immediately.

It also givesrepparttar 129629 less-assertive man a slow way to get to know a woman. He may be an introvert, or simply new to dating and unsure of himself, and can get himself better grounded onrepparttar 129630 Internet. You may catch him just atrepparttar 129631 right time.

How to begin? Take a look at some ofrepparttar 129632 different sites and get a feel for them. Particularly pay attention to howrepparttar 129633 profiles are set up. Here are some things you’ll want to make sure of:

1.The profile tells yourepparttar 129634 kind of things about someone you need to know 2.Your anonymity is protected 3.A photo is available 4.There is way to block or permanently end contact with someone 5.They attempt to screen undesirables. No guarantee but at least, for instance, they say they forbid married people, felons, pornography, hate, etc.

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