Avoid a Life of Regrets With Your Yes List

Written by Sopan Greene, M.A., www.AngryEnoughToChange.com

How many times have you told yourself "yes!" today? Not enough I bet. Yes isrepparttar most powerful word inrepparttar 123382 English language.

Unfortunately, too many times we say yes to others when we should say no. Atrepparttar 123383 same time we continue to tell ourselves no when we need to say yes.

You deserve to createrepparttar 123384 life of your dreams. Period. The first step on that road is to learn to tell yourself yes before you say yes to others.

One big reason so many people don't like their lives is because they accidentally created a life that's not based on what they want. How did that happen? Pretty easily and unconsciously.

If most of your life isn't how you thought it would turn out then you haven't figured out what you want to say yes to in your life. This doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you a typical twenty-first century human whose life is filled with distracting details and tasks. Random decisions lead us down random paths with random endings we don't want.

When you know what you want to say yes to then your life begins to change drastically. Why? Because anything that comes up that's not on your "Yes list" is an automatic no. How helpful is that? Very helpful.

This allows you to cut out time that gets wasted on activities you don't need to do. For example lets pretend Grace's yes list includes things like reading, having a clean house, taking care of her kids, exercising, being healthy, enjoying her job, and connecting with her friends.

So today, like every day, Grace is bombarded with choices. She gets to work and someone generously brought in a huge box of donuts to share with everyone. She thinks one would taste good and she wouldn't mind a sugar rush to get her day started. Should she eat it? Not if she's saying yes to being healthy. That yes cuts outrepparttar 123385 possibility of junk food and helps to prevent a future morning inrepparttar 123386 mirror asking "How did this happen to me?"

Reaching for the Next Level

Written by Mark Susnow

Coaching for your Success Inspiring Possibility and Personal Power

Reaching forrepparttar Next level

Thanksgiving has come and gone. This year was different for my family as we experienced what it's like to have a son come home from college. Asrepparttar 123381 days get colder and shorter and asrepparttar 123382 year winds down it is a time of reflection... I reflect on allrepparttar 123383 blessings in my life and all that I accomplished. Then I start to reflect on what I didn't accomplish. Most of us have a habit of focusing on our failures rather than our successes. How would our lives be different if we changed this habit? As we make subtle internal shifts in our thinking, noticeable changes occur inrepparttar 123384 practical everyday level of existence. I have found that books stimulate me in my process and give me new perspectives on life. I was inrepparttar 123385 mood for a new book and drove to Borders where my attention was diverted to next years calendars. The pictures and content inrepparttar 123386 calendars support me in having a particular focus and intention asrepparttar 123387 year unfolds. As I started to think about purchasing a calendar for next year, I noticed there were calendars on almost any subject....and hundreds to choose from. Although I didn't buy a calendar that night looking through them helped me focus on next year's challenges. I started reflecting on what changes I would need to make and what attitudes I would have to shift for me to have a breakthrough year, one in which I feel more fulfillment, purpose and excitement about getting up inrepparttar 123388 morning and going torepparttar 123389 next level in my life. Let's explore this together. What would a "breakthrough year" mean to you? Who would you be, how would you feel and what would you accomplish? Think of what changes you could make so that one year from now you could honestly say " This was a great year". To help you in this process, imagine it is one year from now and you are reflecting uponrepparttar 123390 past twelve months. You walk into a room and smile. There to greet you are two or three significant people in your life. What is said inrepparttar 123391 next few minutes is an acknowledgement of who you are. You know those who are present really get who you are and empower you. They see your magnificence. Who is inrepparttar 123392 room with you and what was being said? How are you feeling at this moment and who have you become?

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