Autumn Treasures

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

The colors ofrepparttar Season - Crimson and burgundy reds, bittersweet oranges, sun yellows, hunter green, and beige - These brilliant hues of Autumn can be mixed, matched, or just enjoyed - your choice! Outdoor decorations: Haystacks, scarecrows, pumpkins, in all shapes and sizes, bushel baskets of gourds, apples, Indian apples, and squashes. Corn stalks, and Indian corn are decorative touches that add so much to areas around your home. Use these Harvest items on porches,decks, or on steps and near front door-ways. Wheat, mums, and willows add a Fall dimension to flower arrangements and centerpieces. Userepparttar 111540 colorful leaves available under your centerpieces, on windowsills, mantels, shelves, etc. wherever you need a "touch of color" andrepparttar 111541 warm hues of a very exciting season ofrepparttar 111542 year. ************************** Party Themes: Afterrepparttar 111543 Pumpkin Patch Supper - After a hard day of searching for and choosingrepparttar 111544 gourd that truly symbolizes Fall, your family and friends will need some nourishment!

Apples Galore Fun-Time Fest - Apple picking is fun - don't forgetrepparttar 111545 camer - as everyone reaches for that one treasure onrepparttar 111546 very tippy-top ofrepparttar 111547 tree. But picking apples, sampling, and breathing inrepparttar 111548 aroma ofrepparttar 111549 orchard excites appetites, creates instant giggles and fun, and old-fashioned enjoyment! Let everyone make their own taffy apples, of course, with adult supervision withrepparttar 111550 hot taffy, and add sprinkls, nuts, etc.

Raking Leaves Party Time - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn - stories fromrepparttar 111551 past - get family, friends, and relatives to pitch in with rakes, brooms, and baskets to rake and clean up your landscape, but "jumping in" is just part ofrepparttar 111552 fun. Also, if your area permits, burning leaves is trulyrepparttar 111553 aroma of Autumn - great to sit around, munch on apples, and dream aboutrepparttar 111554 Holiday Season just ahead. Throw in a great meal and you have - instant party time fun!

Harvest Time Bon-Fire Get-together - Freshly baked apples pies, grilled hot dogs, chips, and apple cider - it just doesn't get any better than this!

However you decide to celebrate - enjoy Autumn and Nature - it only comes once a year - butrepparttar 111555 memories will last a lifetime. ********************************* Table Decor - Make a centerpiece of one large pumpkin, surrounded by smaller ones, baby squash, gourds, acorns, and leaves. Let your imagination go wild!

Use fall leaves that have been dried between sheets of waxed paper on windowsills, shelves, and mantels. Use large leaves or baby pumpkins as place cards and tie napkins with "autumn colored" yarns, or raffia. Add an acorn or pinecone and you have a very impressive napkin ring. Colorful felt placemats with cut-out hot-glued on of apples, leaves, etc. are fun and inexpensive. ******************************** Meal-time menus: Cornish game hens, with wild rice stuffing, baked sweet potatoes, cornmeal fried tomato slices, tossed green salad, and chocolate mousse

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