AustinDetek Inc becomes Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

Written by Vikas Gupta

Microsoft Corporation has made NY based AustinDetek Inc a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. This has been in recognition of AustinDetek continuously developing very superior quality task management solutions onrepparttar Microsoft platform. Microsoft Corporation offers this prestigious Gold Partnership only to a selected few who have demonstrated superior levels of successful implementations, capabilities and certification.

Amongrepparttar 102908 various high quality solutions inrepparttar 102909 AustinDetek's portfolio isrepparttar 102910 FTMS -repparttar 102911 Field Task Management Solution that has been successfully implemented by major corporates like Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC. Withrepparttar 102912 help of AustinDetek's enterprise version ofrepparttar 102913 FTMS, Marathon has completely migrated its Field Task Force to userepparttar 102914 solution onrepparttar 102915 Pocket PC, making their field work force one ofrepparttar 102916 most mobile and up-to-date with a two-way flow of information and data on a real-time basis.

AustinDetek’s FTMS helps automate recurring but complex tasks carried out at remote field locations by providing precise instructions torepparttar 102917 field personnel overrepparttar 102918 PDA / Pocket PC and obtaining instant compliance reports on tasks carried out. A salient feature ofrepparttar 102919 system is user-friendly interfaces onrepparttar 102920 PDA / Pocket PC that also helprepparttar 102921 personnel inrepparttar 102922 field to report operational deviations, exceptional occurrences etc. The system constantly updatesrepparttar 102923 information to ensure real-time decision making a reality. The data collected is first-hand and helps in effective planning. The FTMS has been found to be exceptionally useful in ensuring compliance withrepparttar 102924 rigid requirements of ISO, EPA or OSHA standards.

The key to success - choose the right partner

Written by Mel Dunn

The key to success – chooserepparttar right partners

Do you promote yourself as offering prompt, reliable and quality service?

Of course – none of us promote ourselves as anything less, and equally we strive to provide this level of service allrepparttar 102907 time.

So what happens when you take your networking torepparttar 102908 next level, and start to offer referrals, or even establish partnerships or alliances for certain activities?

Whatever you do at this point creates significant impact on your business and personal reputation – potentially positive and also potentially negative.

One ofrepparttar 102909 successes of Global Business and Development Solutions ( is not just that we are an alliance spanning Australia, South Africa, UK andrepparttar 102910 USA. Rather, our success results because we share like values, and each commit to providingrepparttar 102911 same level of service, whether individually sourced, referred, or a shared client.

I am usingrepparttar 102912 word ‘partner’ loosely – as a catch all for someone we refer business to/from, someone we collaborate on a project with, someone we join market and so on.

Regardless - choosingrepparttar 102913 right partner is critical.

So how do I chooserepparttar 102914 right partner?

At some point depending onrepparttar 102915 level of activity you enter, it could be important to get specialist legal, due diligence and other financial advice – which is beyondrepparttar 102916 scope of this article. Some key principles I have followed to successfully establish partnerships and alliances include:

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