Auction, Anywhere with Abidia. Gaining an edge over your competition.

Written by Abidia Sales

Abidia provides tools to allow you to watch over your eBay auctions while you are not at your computer. If you are a buyer or a seller, this can give yourepparttar competitive edge over your competitors.

Abidia’s remarkable BidSync technology lets you perform searches for all of your favorite items, including images. Simply enterrepparttar 118580 keywords that you are interested in, and then items with images will be transferred to your mobile device. You can select items from searches to watch, bid, or monitor with one hand via your devices keypad or touch screen. The items will be synchronized with your My eBay account. You can easily see when you have won, been out bid, an item has sold, or an item has a new bid.

For Buyers and Sellers:

Abidia Wireless comes equipped with features specifically tailored torepparttar 118581 needs of both buyers and sellers. Abidia Wireless is a good way to find items if you are a buyer, and to research competitive prices and products if you are a seller. Abidia Wireless maintains and synchronizes your watch list between your cell phone and eBay, and allows you to bid on items. You can viewrepparttar 118582 status of your active auctions, andrepparttar 118583 details of any items that have sold successfully, as well as items that did not sell.

Tops in toolbars?

Written by Jakob Jelling

By Jakob Jelling

Most internet marketers are aware of, and probably use,repparttar Google Toolbar. After all, it has beenrepparttar 118579 only indicator of Google's PageRank number that has been assigned to a given web page. Whetherrepparttar 118580 number is accurate, important, or even updated any more is a matter of debate onrepparttar 118581 marketing forums. Butrepparttar 118582 only feature that was really worthwhile for more casual surfers, other than being able to userepparttar 118583 Google search box directly, wasrepparttar 118584 popup window blocker feature, which oddly enough, isrepparttar 118585 least favorite feature of many an internet marketer. But for many surfers now,repparttar 118586 Yahoo Toolbar may well be a better choice. A 3 megabyte download for computers running Windows 98 or higher and Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher,repparttar 118587 Yahoo Toolbar not only offers greater interactivity with Yahoo and My Yahoo, but now offers some benefits for your PC as well.

In addition, torepparttar 118588 Search Yahoo box and quick access to Yahoo News, email, and bookmarks,repparttar 118589 Yahoo Toolbar offers a Pop-Up blocker, and perhaps even more importantly for many surfers these days, Anti-Spy, to detect and remove spyware fromrepparttar 118590 user's PC. Yahoo even has an anti-spyware community that is tied in withrepparttar 118591 Anti-Spy software onrepparttar 118592 Yahoo Toolbar.

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