Attract Your Ideal Relationship Using the Law of Attraction

Written by Michael Losier

© Michael Losier 2004. You may include this article in your ezine or on your website or distribute it to others, provided you includerepparttar copyright statement andrepparttar 122683 bio information tag line found atrepparttar 122684 end of this article.

First, I'll need to explain what Law of Attraction is and how it works. You see,repparttar 122685 Law of Attraction states that you'll attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted--emphasis onrepparttar 122686 unwanted. The "vibes" that you put out (also called vibrations) are either negative vibes or positive vibes, and at every moment,repparttar 122687 Law of Attraction is responding torepparttar 122688 vibes you are offering by giving you more ofrepparttar 122689 same, whether wanted or unwanted.

If you are curious about what it is that you are offering vibrationally in any area of your life, you simply need to take a look at that area and see what you're getting… it's a perfect match. Mentally take a brief inventory of different relationships that you have in your life. For some people, there is a mixture ofrepparttar 122690 kinds of people they have in their lives; some who support and uplift them, and others who are negative. So why do you attract negative people?

In both of these cases, you're already experiencingrepparttar 122691 Law of Attraction. As you enjoy and appreciate certain people in your life, in that moment, you are offering positive vibrations. The Law of Attraction is unfolding and orchestrating whatever needs to happen to bring you more ofrepparttar 122692 same. And as you notice and pay attention torepparttar 122693 negative people in your life andrepparttar 122694 things that irritate you about them, you'll seerepparttar 122695 Law of Attraction unfold to bring you more ofrepparttar 122696 same. By shifting your focus and attention to what you do want, then you'll changerepparttar 122697 results accordingly.

When Your Ideal Feeling Seems Far Away

Written by Rebecca Hanson

© Copyright 2004 Rebecca Hanson Please ask permission to reproduce this article.

Recently I was asked this question: "I know how I WANT to feel--much different than I do now. How can I vibrate my ideal feeling when my current feelings are very low?" This student was realizing that whenrepparttar distance between your ideal feeling and your current feeling is too great, it doesn't feel very good.

Immediately a picture began to take shape in my mind and I asked this student to imagine a 'time-line' which looks like 'bar-bells'--with her default feeling onrepparttar 122682 left and her ideal feeling onrepparttar 122683 right. Then I asked her to place a minus sign underrepparttar 122684 default feeling and thre plus signs underrepparttar 122685 ideal feeling.

I drew something like this:

Take a moment to draw this diagram on a piece of paper. Now, close your eyes, take a deep breath and really feel your ideal feeling (such as love, joy, excitement or playfulness.) Open your eyes and count to three, then close your eyes and notice how you are feeling right now. Come back to your time-line and place an X about 1/3rd ofrepparttar 122686 way fromrepparttar 122687 left, and place a second X 1/3rdrepparttar 122688 distance fromrepparttar 122689 right. Like this:

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