Attitude Check

Written by Dave Balch

Attitude is likerepparttar foundation of a building: it doesn't matter how wellrepparttar 123769 building is designed, built, or maintained; it will fail ifrepparttar 123770 foundation isn't sound.

When you run your own business (or, for that matter, when you live your life) there will be ups and downs, successes and failures. Your attitude will determine how you handle them, and how you handle them will determine your success.

Basically, attitude is about choices and expectations. First, let's talk about choices. Everything you do or say is a choice. There is always a choice. Paying taxes, for example, is a choice: you could choose to go to jail instead of coughing uprepparttar 123771 dough. Why you would do that is beyond me, but it is still a choice.

Attitudes affect more than your choices, though; they affect your expectations. I am a firm believer inrepparttar 123772 old axiom "Things tend to happenrepparttar 123773 way you expect them to happen". If your attitude affects your expectations, and your expectations affectrepparttar 123774 way things happen, then your attitude affectsrepparttar 123775 way things happen. Either consciously or subconsciously we do things that tend to swayrepparttar 123776 outcome of any given situation to match our expectations.

For example, if you are making a sales call and you are sure that there won't be a sale, you probably won't give a very convincing argument to buy, will you?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this: attitude isrepparttar 123777 single most important element of success in your business and your life.

At one point I needed to hire a salesman (selling software to large corporations). I had been through several different guys and none of them really had what I needed. Enter Andy.

Communally Effective

Written by Ed Hirsch

Work real hard, then play real hard with joy. Your best times in life are when you are in community with others. It is important to continually build community. The more we get to understand other people,repparttar more we can understand ourselves and grow to become more productive adults.

"To live continually in thoughts of ill-will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy, is to be confined in a self-made prison hole. But to think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to findrepparttar 123768 good in all--such unselfish thoughts arerepparttar 123769 very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor." -- James Allen, As A Man Thinketh (early 1900)

The ability (and inability) to achieve your goals and dreams, is mostly due to too much time spent on activities not directly connected to this same set of goals and dreams ... let's call this Individual and Community or Communal (In)effectiveness.

Responsible adults today are finding thatrepparttar 123770 rules inrepparttar 123771 new economy have changed. Great ideas are definitelyrepparttar 123772 source for innovation, however, they alone cannot secure a Competitive advantage in business or even Community effectiveness (when we are doing what we really want to be doing and that which brings most joy into our lives.)

It's all about action, or as UPS (United Parcel Service) refers to as, "Moving atrepparttar 123773 speed of business." Business owners must find a way to bridgerepparttar 123774 gap between knowing and doing. It's a challenge for any leader to take existing resources (talent & time) and turn them into action, which will increase effectiveness. Successful leaders fromrepparttar 123775 past had a common thread and that was their ability to inspire action, not only their own of course.

You can inspire action by empowering people on your team, and in your community by letting them know that you have every confidence in their ability to fulfill their vision forrepparttar 123776 lifestyle they takerepparttar 123777 time to plan for themselves.

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