Attention, All Retailers! Here' How To Have No Inventory Costs. Bill Payment & Cellular.

Written by Prepaid Wireless Direct

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Offshore Outsourcing: An Overview

Written by Dep Deol

The phrase “offshore outsourcing” has become ubiquitous inrepparttar Information Technology (IT) industry. It is spread all over in trade publications, and you can hear it in many places ranging fromrepparttar 133460 company boardroom torepparttar 133461 water cooler. If you are involved with any facet ofrepparttar 133462 IT industry, it is important to learn more about this latest development in evolution ofrepparttar 133463 industry.

In this article, I will present an overview ofrepparttar 133464 offshore outsourcing scene andrepparttar 133465 various ways in which companies are involved in offshore outsourcing. Atrepparttar 133466 end, a set of recommendations is listed for business owners, managers, and other stakeholders who are considering offshore outsourcing for their organization. Please be advised this article only addresses IT offshore outsourcing. It does not cover outsourcing in other industries.

Let’s start by definingrepparttar 133467 term “offshore.” Offshore inrepparttar 133468 phrase “offshore outsourcing” refers to any country where wages for IT professionals are substantially lower than inrepparttar 133469 US, UK, Western Europe, and Japan. The major destination countries for offshore work are India, Russia, and Ireland. Other places to note include countries in Eastern Europe, such as Ukraine and Bulgaria, Brazil, South Africa, Israel, and China. Low wages in these countries are a result ofrepparttar 133470 low cost of living. The wages in these countries can be anywhere from one-third to one-tenth ofrepparttar 133471 wages for similar skills in Western markets. It is worth mentioning that IT skills in these nations translate into 20-50% higher salaries than their respective national average salaries for all professions.

Next, let’s definerepparttar 133472 term “outsourcing.” From a business point of view, outsourcing is a situation in which a defined piece of work is performed by an external third party provider. At timesrepparttar 133473 line of authority of an external provider can be blurry - a global company may pass around work among different departments spanningrepparttar 133474 company’s own offices in multiple countries. Generally speaking, however, outsourcing involves two or more independent companies working together. For example, American Company A preparesrepparttar 133475 specifications for a software application, and then passes it to Ukrainian Company B for actual design and development. Afterrepparttar 133476 work is completed, Company A receivesrepparttar 133477 finished product from Company B. Software development is one type of IT work that can be outsourced. Remote system administration and product maintenance are some other types of work that are routinely outsourced by IT firms.

Putting our definitions of offshore and outsourcing together, we can now effectively define IT offshore outsourcing – it isrepparttar 133478 outsourcing of IT work to offshore countries. Offshore outsourcing is actually not a recent phenomenon. IT offshore outsourcing has been occurring as early asrepparttar 133479 1970’s. There were several Indian companies that provided services to American firms at that time. IT offshore outsourcing started to take off inrepparttar 133480 early 1990’s and gained further popularity duringrepparttar 133481 Internet Boom of late 1990’s. Then, withrepparttar 133482 crash ofrepparttar 133483 Internet Boom, offshore outsourcing came into center stage –repparttar 133484 biggest driver wasrepparttar 133485 fact that businesses were scrambling to cut costs and offshore outsourcing provided a viable means of lowering cost of operations and new development.

Below arerepparttar 133486 different categories that can be used to group companies working inrepparttar 133487 offshore outsourcing space -

Type I: Fully offshore. These are small companies operating inrepparttar 133488 offshore countries. They can have anywhere from 1 to 50 employees. A major feature that distinguishes these companies is that they spend very little, if anything, on external marketing. Their business mostly comes from word of mouth promotion and referral from existing clients. Rarely do they have offices in countries where their clients come from. Also, freelancers and informal teams of friends and associates working together are part ofrepparttar 133489 Type I category.

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