Attack Smaller Searches To Get The Big Ones!

Written by Martin Lemieux

Attack Smaller Searches To Get The Big Ones! By: Martin Lemieux

Searching online can not only be fun, but you sometimes need to be downright inventive.

For those of you who have been searching online for years now, you've probably adapted ways & techniques to find what you are looking for quickly.

Unfortunately when it comes to promoting your site, nothing out there is classified as a quick fix. If people say it's a quick fix, it probably has a major risk attached to it.

Your ultimate goal when promoting your site should be to acquire some of those "Big" search terms online! For example, "Marketing Tips" or "Marketing" in general. The only way to ever come close torepparttar Big Dogs is to start small. Increaserepparttar 128121 search term and decrease your competition.

Here's an example of this, let's use "Marketing". Wow, what a powerful search term, but someone has to get it, right?

As of today, June 1st, 2004, if you search for "Marketing" you will get 72,700,000 results found within Google. That's a tough one.

Going further, let's add "Marketing Tips", you get: 7,560,000 results found.

Going a little further now, let's add "Web Marketing Tips", you'll get around: 5,760,000 results found.

Let's go beyond that for our final search, let's add "Web Site Marketing Tips", you'll get: 4,940,000 results found.

Now take a good look at all those search terms, what do you see right inrepparttar 128122 middle??? You got it, that oh so powerful term called "Marketing"!

Search marketing integration

Written by Damon Lightley

Website promotion article: Online Marketing Integration

One ofrepparttar weakest areas of modern tactical marketing isrepparttar 128120 integration of online activity. The finest website andrepparttar 128121 most carefully planned search engine marketing campaign are both significantly hobbled if they aren't tightly interwoven.

Search engine marketing has work to do

Search engine marketing communicates a message and drives action. If a search engine result can pull someone to your website,repparttar 128122 opportunity to communicate in a targeted fashion is enormous. But that means that your listing inrepparttar 128123 search results and your website have to work together. That link must lure them in andrepparttar 128124 website must presentrepparttar 128125 information visitors came for. Now, some people are going to tell you that search engine marketing is a branding vehicle, and that you can't judge its success by its pull. We think that's pure nonsense.

Ofrepparttar 128126 all search engine listings we've reviewed very few of them take visitors to a page on their website that contains explicit calls to action (visit, call, learn, contact, etc.) Once a call to action appears, your listings effectiveness must be based on whether that action is taken. From that point on,repparttar 128127 branding argument becomesrepparttar 128128 branding excuse for search engine marketing that fails.

What should happen is that these visitors should be sent to a unique page on your site, where they are presented with graphical and verbal information that relates directly torepparttar 128129 message they responded to. It should talk aboutrepparttar 128130 same specific topic relating torepparttar 128131 keyword they searched on. And it should itself contain further calls to action (which may be nothing more than links to other equally focused content on your website).

The Web is not a dumping ground

Truth is though, in most cases, visitors from search engine listings are often unceremoniously dumped intorepparttar 128132 public pool of all visitors and left to swim for themselves. This occurs without any content visible that relates torepparttar 128133 search engine listings they're responding to.

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