At First Glance

Written by Julie Jordan Scott

I admit it. I am a junkie when it comes to learning how to learn. Thinking,repparttar brain, solutions, philosophy. I would rather talk, think, read or listen to these topics than almost any other. I really enjoy applying these concepts to my work, my business, my craft and my relationships.

We went torepparttar 123916 library this week. Emma, at four, has a penchant for Non Fiction. She got a book about Space and a book about Nature. I also slid in "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss because I enjoy reading it and she enjoys listenning.

I also picked up a book by one ofrepparttar 123917 leading authorities inrepparttar 123918 world inrepparttar 123919 field of Creative Thinking. "de Bono's Thinking Course" leaped offrepparttar 123920 shelf and into my hands.

Reading it was like attending a class reunion. The words were so familiar! The language and expression reminded me of what happens whenever I go back to Dana Point and talk to someone who speaks Southern Orange Countese. Somehow I start saying things like "No way!" with that certain almost surferesque lilting quality.

One ofrepparttar 123921 first exercises is called The PMI. A very simple attention directing tool which takes away prejudgement and automatic thinking, it is a tool that can be used in almost any situation be it requesting consideration of an idea at work or deciding upon a restaurant for dinner or assessing where to go to college.

The PMI stands for Plus, Minus and Interesting.

No, I did not say Pros and Cons.

Pros and Cons attach judgement whilerepparttar 123922 PMI steers clear of any sort of prejudgement. It simply states what is. In fact, often times one statement can fit in all three categories. The PMI is about looking atrepparttar 123923 question. It is about surveying it for information, for clues, for subtleties. It is not something to get stuck in or bogged down by however.

It is a quick thinking tool that can shift you into balance OR it may show you what is reallyrepparttar 123924 truth.

Today at church I walked right past a bulletin board.

There were pictures on it from last week's skating party. I vaguely remembered a flash bulb in my face, so I around and looked more carefully.

Sure enough, there Sam and I were in all our Skating Party glory. All I could see after crooning over Sam was that I decided my smile lines made me look old. I decided in that moment "YUCK! And that is being seen by everyone who walks by! How humiliating!"

I continued on my walk towardsrepparttar 123925 sanctuary where Sam and I sang and listened and prayed.

After worship I visited with many friends, including Glenda, who has recently joinedrepparttar 123926 ranks of those of us in our fourth decade. Like me, she has several preschoolers. She looked really great so I complimented her newly svelte figure.

We talked and laughed about being forty and wearing flattering suits for our birthdays. She said to me, "I have noticed YOU have seemed more relaxed and content lately." I paused for a moment. We said our "See you laters!"

Well, Well, Well: A Deep Topic

Written by Sandi Lynn

Recentlyrepparttar facilitator in my classroom discussion group asked each person to describerepparttar 123915 three greatest problems that troubled them. As we did this we became so depressed that we could not completerepparttar 123916 assignment. We found that most of us were familiar, too familiar, with these troubles so sharing them made life increasingly disheartening. We concluded thatrepparttar 123917 source of our suffering isrepparttar 123918 corruption found in contemporary society. It touches everything.

As we consideredrepparttar 123919 source of our corruption one participant offered: "Aren?t we like a frog living atrepparttar 123920 bottom of a well and thinking thatrepparttar 123921 sky is a plate?"

We acknowledged that althoughrepparttar 123922 frog?s error in judgement aboutrepparttar 123923 sky brings little harm torepparttar 123924 frog, contemporary people believingrepparttar 123925 sky was a plate would obviously corrupt our thinking along with our relationships withrepparttar 123926 world and each other: - Our explanation for where water and air came from would be wrong. - The value ofrepparttar 123927 wind, landscape and ocean would be unknown. - Thoughts of Earth and Nature's beauty might be considered insane. - We would hold a corrupt view of howrepparttar 123928 world worked and would relate to each other accordingly. - Our life goal might be to train slaves to be strong enough to throw garbage out ofrepparttar 123929 well sorepparttar 123930 slave owners could live better. Some group members said that sounded too familiar for comfort.

I sharerepparttar 123931 frog metaphor here because it pertains. There is a similar but very real and destructive corruption in our culture. It erodes our every potential. It produces our justified lack of trust in our institutions and each other.

Fortunately there is an antidote for this corruption. A readily available process now exists that enables anybody to reverserepparttar 123932 polluted thinking that contaminates most relationships today. Our presently deteriorating situation will vastly improve if some open-minded "frogs" simply supportrepparttar 123933 process and its use. Is that something you might be willing to do?

An article: "Found: Nature's Hidden Voice?Good or Evil?" describesrepparttar 123934 Process and is posted onrepparttar 123935 internet. Many of us have witnessedrepparttar 123936 validity ofrepparttar 123937 unique anti-corruption toolsrepparttar 123938 Process offers. We personally experience and teachrepparttar 123939 Process and know its beneficial effects. We have observed its contribution to correcting deteriorated individuals, relationships and natural areas. We have documented that this process helps people reduce a wide range of personal, social and environmental disorders.

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