Ask Mr. D - "Sticky Sites"

Written by Bill Daugherty

Dear Mr. D,

I keep running acrossrepparttar terms "sticky sites" and "sticky visitors." Aboutrepparttar 119391 only thing I have learned about this "sticky stuff" is that it is a good thing for site owners to make their sites "sticky."

Can you tell me what this is all about? How can I make my site sticky?


Just Wondering,


Dear Just Wondering,

A sticky visitor is one that returns to a website often. A sticky site is a site that has some feature or features that causes their visitors to developed an affection, affinity or addiction torepparttar 119392 site that compels him or her to return there often.


Written by Mimi AK

There are two tactics that you have probably heard a lot of these days: AFFILIATE PROGRAMS and OPT-IN EMAIL. No doubt these are two POWERFUL tools of generating online income and sales. There is a catch though... they only work if you are ALREADY gettingrepparttar necessary traffic to your web site.

So, like all other new e-business owners, you must be stressing over ways to get, not JUST traffic to your website, but TARGETTED TRAFFIC! Really, it is simpler and cheaper than you think! The key is to FOCUS your efforts. Don't try and do everything at once. Take one step at a time. This way you will get BETTER results.

METHOD 1: Advertise in Newsletters and E-Zines

Carefully choose which newsletters and e-zines you wish to purchase your ad space with. Choose ones that have subscribers that match or almost match your target market. They must be people who could potentially be your customers. Choose ones with a medium to large subscriber-base. This way you will get you investments worth. Take note of where your ad will be placed. It could be atrepparttar 119390 top, middle, bottom...anywhere inrepparttar 119391 newsletter. The best spots are atrepparttar 119392 top ofrepparttar 119393 newsletter and on a page where readers are most likely to spend most of their time at. Also take note of other ads that might be surrounding yours. You don't want to place your ad next to a competitor's. This will lessen your chances of potential clicks. The size of your ad also influencesrepparttar 119394 location of your ad.

METHOD 2: Use Keywords and a Crawler Page to Secure that Top Spot in Search Engines

Your target market will NEVER find your web site if you have been usingrepparttar 119395 WRONG keywords! Search engines look for them in your Title Tags, Meta Tags, andrepparttar 119396 body of your text when ranking and categorising your web site.

When choosing keywords, be sure not to choose words that are highly competitive like business, books, software. These are too generic and will make it super difficult for you to secure that top spot! In order to find TARGETED keywords that are suitable for YOUR web site, sit down and have a good and long think of what someone looking for your site might type intorepparttar 119397 search engines. Remember, no one knows your business more than YOU! Ask around; ask your family and friends what THEY might type when looking for your product or service. Be SPECIFIC yet GENERAL. For example if your site offers services to help businesses go online, you might use repparttar 119398 following keywords: online business, online businesses, start online business, online business help, online business services etc. Use as many variations of your keywords as possible and include your company name and region if applicable. Also, study what keywords your competitors are using on their web sites.

Most search engines like Alta Vista and Yahoo ask that you submit just one URL and that they will follow allrepparttar 119399 links and findrepparttar 119400 rest ofrepparttar 119401 pages in your web site. You can make it easier for them by creating a page called a CRAWLER PAGE with links to all ofrepparttar 119402 most important parts of your site and submit that instead. Thus, ensuring thatrepparttar 119403 right pages will be noticed.

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