Article Writing Tips for Non-Writers

Written by Jinger Jarrett

Although there are many types of articles you can write to help you promote your business, i.e. features, interviews, etc. I'm going to teach you how to writerepparttar two easiest forms of articles that will help you getrepparttar 124959 sale.

1. Types of Articles

a. Lists

List articles are easy to write because all you have to do is write down several related items, which becomes your basic outline, and then write several sentences to explain each short topic more fully.

An example of this would be an upcoming article I will be writing called "4 Secrets ofrepparttar 124960 Super Affiliates". In this article I will tell yourepparttar 124961 four things that affiliates do to make more money from their affiliate programs. Under each topic, I will explain how you can use this item to make more sales from your affiliate business.

b. How To/Directions In a how to article, you would show your reader how to do something. This is especially good if you have a physical rather than a digital product.

A friend of mine, Mac, sells all types of metal polishes. An excellent way for him to write an article about one of his products would be to explainrepparttar 124962 best way to userepparttar 124963 product.

For example, using a soft lint free cloth will give this result, while a towel will do this.

2. Article Writing Tips

These tips will work regardless of which type of article you plan to write.

First, make your list of items. If you are writingrepparttar 124964 how to/directions article, write it in steps and make sure you include all ofrepparttar 124965 steps. Test your steps if you have to, to make sure they work.

Create a title. It could be "4 Ways to...", "How to make..." etc. Eliminate any items that don't belong.

Type your title and list leaving space for you to flush out your article. Write several sentences explaining each item. A good length for any article is about 500 to 750 words. You don't want to make it too short, but if it is too long, your reader won't takerepparttar 124966 time to read it.

If your article includes items you will need, make sure you include a list atrepparttar 124967 top of your article, including measurements, etc.

As Ernest Hemingway would say, use short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs. This is especially important online because readers read about 25 per cent slower.

The #1 Way to Get Profits Fast and Forever with Joint Ventures

Written by Jinger Jarrett

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to make profits from your business, think joint venture.

The beauty of a joint venture is that no matter how much or how little traffic you are currently receiving at your site, this marketing technique can explode your traffic and profits.

There are five things you need to do to create a successful joint venture.

1. Set goals. Do you know what you want to achieve with your joint venture?

Because this technique is so effective, be prepared to be rejected. You should also be prepared to "lose your shirt" upfront if you are going to get potential partners to accept your offer.

Jimmy D. Brown ofrepparttar Profits' Vault,, recommends you aim for three goals:

a. Build your list b. Secure lifetime customers c. Recruit new affiliates and partners

Although you will lose onrepparttar 124958 front end, you'll gain onrepparttar 124959 backend because you'll have a target market in place ready to buy.

2. Make a list of contacts. How many publishers you decide to contact is up to you. I would recommend you make a list of at least 10 because some of your contacts will completely ignore your offer.

If you don't make contact withrepparttar 124960 first 10, make a list of 10 more, but don't quit.

Use targeted key words inrepparttar 124961 search engines to find sites that complement yours and study them carefully before you contactrepparttar 124962 publishers.

What to look for in potential partners:

a. Sites that complement yours. If you're selling computer hardware, look for sites that sell computer software, computer books, etc.

b. Sites that have a mailing list. You want your potential partners to contact their customers/readers with your offer.

Look for ezine publishers with large lists. Small lists are good ifrepparttar 124963 readers are loyal.

3. Create an irresistable offer. This is where you will lose BIG.

Give your partner a copy of your product. Include bonuses with it. Offer an ad swap. You are only limited by your imagination here, but whatever you do, make it an offer that gets attention.

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