Arthritis Drugs Celebrex-Vioxx Safety in Doubt

Written by Margot B

“Arthritis drugs Vioxx, Celebrex safety in doubt”

In doubt and may not be as safe as previously thought. Research earlier this year has shown that these drugs increasedrepparttar risk of heart attacks although a relatively low risk, over those taking a pain reliever. The FDA is debating whether to add information aboutrepparttar 115789 increased risk on both drugs’ labels. One Wall Street analyst has warned that this problem could have an adverse effect on Merck,repparttar 115790 drug company responsible for these drugs be placed onrepparttar 115791 market - along with Pharmacia, which makes Celebrex, generating $2.3 billion in 12 months to March 31 of this year, Merck having sold $1.7 billion Vioxx during repparttar 115792 same 12 months.

Studies done last year showed that patients taking Vioxx had four timesrepparttar 115793 risk of heart attacks over patients taking Naproxen - another pain reliever. Naproxen is also sold underrepparttar 115794 brands names of Naprosyn and Aleve. The risk of heart attacks increases over time, at about four heart attacks per 1,000 patients. This study was sponsored byrepparttar 115795 Merck company, which also stated that their research does not show this problem of increased heart attacks with Vioxx.

These two drugs are amongrepparttar 115796 best-sellers of prescription drugs inrepparttar 115797 world. They cause fewer ulcers that many other drugs given for pain. Richard R. Stover, a pharmaceutical industry analyst at Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder Inc, reported on April 27 that he did his own analysis on what he called “disturbing data” from Merck’s study. He stated that he was warning his clients, many of whom were institutional investors holding stock in Merck, that they should watchrepparttar 115798 issue carefully because it could effectrepparttar 115799 company’s stock price. Dr. M. Michael Wolfe, chief ofrepparttar 115800 gastroenterology section atrepparttar 115801 Boston University School of Medicine and a member ofrepparttar 115802 FDA advisory committee stated that there should be a warning, after a review ofrepparttar 115803 issue earlier this year, stating that “The marketing of these drugs is unbelievable, I’m sure there are many people out there who are taking these drugs that should not be.”

There is a current debate going on between some doctors and Merck’s scientists as to whetherrepparttar 115804 higher risk of heart attacks is a result of Vioxx causing damage in some patients or to an absence ofrepparttar 115805 benefits that Naproxen may have in protectingrepparttar 115806 heart, that Naproxen stops or slowsrepparttar 115807 production of thromboxane, which is thought to cause platelet inrepparttar 115808 blood to form clots, similar torepparttar 115809 aspirin effect.

Vioxx and Celebrex have been shown to haverepparttar 115810 same benefit in protectingrepparttar 115811 heart.

The Case Of Syndrome X

Written by Namita Nayyar

Before you make a decision of whether to follow a low fat diet with lots of carbohydrates or a diet high in poly- and monounsaturatted fats with fewer carbohydrates ,there are certain factors that need to be understood . Prior to your decision go in for a lab test to determine your level of LDL- Cholestrol, HDL- cholestrol ,trigycerides,blood sugar and insulin . Get these checked up by your family physician . If your blood pressure is fine and your blood level of these substances are within normal you don't need to worry aboutrepparttar portions of fat or carbohydrates you eat . The more out of range you are of these parameters ,repparttar 115788 more likely you are to have Syndrome X. Abnormalities in glucose and lipid (blood fats) metabolism, obesity, and high blood pressure occur together. In fact, this cluster of abnormalities is known as a syndrome, going by a variety of names, including Syndrome X,repparttar 115789 Deadly Quartet, andrepparttar 115790 Insulin Resistance Syndrome. Syndrome X. is a new term for a cluster of conditions, that, when occurring together, may indicate a predisposition to diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Insulin isrepparttar 115791 hormone responsible for getting energy, inrepparttar 115792 form of glucose, or blood sugar, into our cells. A woman who is insulin-resistant has cells that respond sluggishly torepparttar 115793 action of insulin. Following a meal, this woman will have elevated glucose circulating inrepparttar 115794 blood, signaling yet more insulin to be released fromrepparttar 115795 pancreas untilrepparttar 115796 glucose is taken up byrepparttar 115797 cells.

When insulin resistance, or reduced insulin sensistivy, exists,repparttar 115798 body attempts to overcome this resistance by secreting more insulin fromrepparttar 115799 pancreas. This compensatory state of hyperinsulinemia (high insulin levels inrepparttar 115800 blood) is felt to be a marker forrepparttar 115801 syndrome. The development of Type II, or non-insulin dependent, diabetes occurs whenrepparttar 115802 pancreas fails to sustain this increase insulin secretion. It is not clear how insulin resistance contributes torepparttar 115803 presence of high blood pressure, but it is clear thatrepparttar 115804 high insulin levels resulting from insulin resistance contribute to abnormalites in blood lipids—cholesterol and triglycerides.

The syndrome is typically characterized by varying degrees of glucose intolerance, abnormal cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, and upper body obesity, all independent risk factors for cardiac disease. If one includes along withrepparttar 115805 classic four featuresrepparttar 115806 commonly associated conditions of aging, sedentary lifestyle, stress, smoking, and a dose of genetic susceptibility, then a deadly web of increased cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) disease risk is woven

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